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The Magician Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

The Magician reversed can mean that new beginnings in your life may be stymied to some extent. Like his upright counterpart this card is also about making changes but this time you will not have as much control and this could prove to be a frustrating time for you when things don’t go the way you want them to.
It will be easier to get things wrong and there will be misunderstandings. It’s not that when reversed it is a definitively negative card because it isn’t. At the same time, it is not exactly a positive card either.
It is more of a neutral card but there is a caveat. It has potential, just like the upright does, but this time the potential is to become negative or positive. Which it is will depend on what you do so be careful with what you do and say.
When things are not quite as you would like them to be it does not mean that the people around you are “out to get you.” To be honest, it may well feel like they are, but the truth is simply that you are mistaken. It more often means that if you are not careful you are likely to be getting in your own way. There will not be anyone to blame except yourself if things go badly. It’s a case of don’t be your own worst enemy.
Be careful with your assessment of your abilities too. With the energies of the Magician reversed around you, you may be wildly overestimating how simple something is or could be.
In other words, don’t bite off more than you can chew because you make the mistake of underestimating how difficult something is.
The Magician Reversed Meanings Step-by-Step
Friends, Friendships, and Family
You may be thinking that you need to make some changes to the way that you conduct yourself, and if so, you are correct.
However, even positive changes can sometimes really threaten our nearest and dearest. The Magician reversed is telling you that it is critically important that you trust yourself and that you do what you think is really and truly best for you.
If your friends, in particular, are not supportive at all when you make a positive change, it may be time to rethink those relationships. Real friends are helpful when you are making positive changes to yourself.
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Love and Relationships
If you are looking for love, the Magician reversed suggests that you do not leap to conclusions about other people’s feelings.
It is easy to think that someone who is not physically affectionate to you is not attracted to you, but some people simply will not touch anyone without a figuratively engraved invitation. This is particularly true in this modern day and age. If you genuinely want to know how someone feels, the only sure way is to ask them.
The Magician reversed also indicates a need to take conscious steps to stay positive about your romantic future. If you think no one will ever love you and you do not fight that way of thinking: you will bring that situation into being. It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy if steps are not taken to remain positive. There is love out there for everyone so don’t lose sight of that.
If you are in a relationship already when this card appears in your reading, it is important not to withdraw too far. Yes, sometimes there needs to be a retreat and a cooling off period if tempers flare and that is only natural.
But if you start acting most of the time as though you really do not care, do not be surprised if you end up alone in fairly short order. Staying connected and keeping the lines of communication open even when things are strained is of paramount importance if you want your relationship to survive.
Spiritual Growth
The Magician reversed points to a need to look back at spiritual “messages” of any kind that came to you.
Whether there was some sort of organized religion of any kind that was part of your childhood or not, almost everyone gets some sort of spiritual message at some time in their life. Even if you did not realize it was a message at the time.
Give that some thought and see if any of it still resonates at all. As an example, you might have been raised a Lutheran, and although you may not believe in their exact worldview anymore, it is possible that you would find the sermon on the mount helpful and inspiring.
In short, to grow further: Look to and re-examine the past. Not everything that you “got” spiritually was useless, even if the complete picture no longer fits for you.
Work and Career
If you are looking for work and the Magician reversed appears, then this is a suitable time to think back to people you knew in the past and positions you held in the past.
Do not hesitate to approach old employers/colleagues to ask if they know of something that may be workable for you. You may be very pleasantly surprised – though the position in question may not be at your old employer.
If you are already employed, the energies of the Magician reversed mean that you may need to back up and clean up if you have made a figurative mess of some kind.
If you think there is a chance that one of your co-workers may be upset with you then they probably are – ask and at least give them the chance to explain and for you to make amends if that is necessary.
Money and Finances
The appearance of the Magician reversed says that you need to be careful with the money that you have.
That does not mean you have to be obsessive about it, but you do need to be thoughtful and conservative with it. Aim for the middle of the road; things are going better than you think they are, but not as good as you would hope they are.
Taking action of any kind will help. Do you need a “side hustle?” do you need to cut your spending? Take things one step at a time and do not beat yourself up over the past. You cannot change it, of course.
A Message and Advice from Spirit
You are all right. You can move forward successfully, but to do so you may need to consider the past. Give it some thought and assess just how much the past impacts not only on the present but also on the future.
If you need help of any kind, ask for it. Everybody struggles at some point in their lives for sure, but that doesn’t mean that help is not available.
The support that you need will be there, but it will not come and knock on your door of its own volition.
The Magician Reversed Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time
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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 01 Magician” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley (http://home.comcast.net/~vilex/) for the public domain, and retrieved from http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.