The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

The Fool reversed, like his upright counterpart, is still an indicator of newness and his appearance can still be considered positive, at least when looked at in the right light. The problem is that very often that “right light” is not seen which is why this reversal is feared.

He is still about new beginnings but this time his appearance shows there is an actual need there but there is some resistance and even fear about making it happen.

His appearance is still of a spiritual nature but whoever the reading is for is not going to want to change. They fear change and that is partly what the Fool reversed is all about. Fear.

In some ways the Fool reversed can mean that the new beginning is coming whether it is wanted or not. Resisting the needed change is not going to prevent it from happening.

Unlike the “leap of faith” that his upright counterpart takes it is often important that he looks where he is going when reversed as that can make the going easier. In some aspects of life things might not always be what they seem so not blindly moving forward is the smart thing to do.

The Fool Reversed Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Friends, Friendships, & Family

You may feel like stepping away from your “old crowd” of friends to look for some new ones, but you are reluctant to do so. In many ways your old friendships have outgrown their usefulness.

That may sound harsh because those old friends are not bad people, but they are no longer giving you the emotional and spiritual sustenance that you need.

Family may have expectations of you that you are no longer happy with. It’s not so much that you are tired of your family itself, but you are tired of the way they call upon you without so much as a “by your leave.”

It is always difficult to say no to family and to change the status quo and it can be scary to try and do so. The time has come, however, to try and do so. Things have got to change.

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Love and Relationships

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Love

The appearance of the Fool reversed where love is concerned indicates a need to open up. The need for independence and freedom is getting in the way of finding a new and lasting relationship.

The fear of losing those aspects of life is preventing you from finding someone. If you find the right person you won’t lose either of those needs.

If you are already in a relationship, then those needs are preventing your relationship from growing. have those needs been stifled as much as you think? If the answer is truly “Yes” then it might be time to rethink the relationship.

Most times his appearance will simply be an indicator of a bad patch, but if you can stop wistfully thinking of the freedom you think someone single has and instead count your blessings then you can get through this. Remember, many of those “free” singles would love to be in a relationship just like yours.

Spiritual Growth

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Spiritual Growth

It may be that your existing belief system is no longer working for you the way it used to. In this aspect of life, the Fool reversed can indicate a need for you to try something new. Something that will perhaps be a better fit and enable you to grow spiritually.

Make sure that you take a good look around, however. Don’t jump at the first belief system that seems better or you may miss out on something better.

Think of it as window shopping and just browse through what is on offer. You may find something that offers you a deeper understanding of spirituality but be warned! Family and friends may not understand your search and although it is nothing to do with them, they may feel threatened by you being willing to consider non-standard belief systems.

Work and Career

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Work & Career

Hesitancy is again the theme when the Fool reversed appears in relation to work and career.

If you are happy with the job that you have then you are likely to be feeling somewhat unsure about some ideas that you have in mind.

Your ideas are just as valid as anyone else’s, however, so don’t be afraid to put them forward. Let your voice be heard and you may be surprised at how well-received your ideas are.

There is also a possibility that you want a change. This might be a change of job or position but could mean you want to go off and start on your own. The problem is that you fear doing so. You must give this some real thought though because if the timing is right which the Fool reversed can indicate then you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity.

Money and Finances

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Money & Finance

The Fool reversed appearing in a money related reading indicates a need for caution. If you are considering signing off on anything financial you must make sure that you examine all aspects of the deal. Something, somewhere, is not what it seems.

That doesn’t mean you should not go ahead, but it does mean you need to be fully aware of what you are getting into and can make an informed decision.

A Message and Advice from Spirit

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Message from Spirit

Change is needed and you need to have faith that this change is for your better good.

The fear you are feeling is natural but learn to embrace it and the change that is coming. It is better to make that change willingly rather than have it forced upon you.

The Fool Reversed Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 00 Fool” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.