The Magician Tarot Card Meanings

The Magician Upright Tarot Card Meanings

The Magician is a wonderful card to see because it indicates creative and positive beginnings. He is a person who performs real magic as opposed to a stage magician who is essentially an illusionist.

He is capable of taking and directing energies from various places, things, people, animals, etc. and then to combine them in unusual ways.

Spiritual energy is also like that and so is the energy of the Magician. In nearly every circumstance, it is possible for you to control your energy. Perhaps not completely control but at least control to some extent. 

What the appearance of the Magician is telling you is that you do have the capacity to do this and to make the choices necessary to use your energy well.

The energy of the Magician is a clean, intense, positive energy but it is strong and like all strong energies it can be a double-edged sword if you are not careful. Combine things and energies in your world in new ways by all means.

Just be thoughtful about what you are creating and what you wish for. His energy is definitely positive but because it is energy in its purest form it has the potential to be destructive if not used wisely.

The Magician Upright Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

The Magician Tarot Card Meanings Friends, Friendships, & Family

The Magician with regard to friends and family indicates that all should be going fairly smoothly and that there may be some new people joining the fold, so to speak.

These could be a new romantic partner for someone in your circle (perhaps even you) or it could simply be a new friend or acquaintance that you make.

Be especially attentive to synchronicity so if you strike up a conversation with someone and you find that you both grew up in the same town, or have the same middle name, or both had dogs called “Buster” when you were children – you might want to give some thought to the possibility that the universe is telling you something.

Having said that on occasion someone must make an exit from our lives in order for there to be space left for someone new to come in. Be assured when you see the energies alluded to by the Magician that it’s with positive intent that one door may be closing so that another door can open. Don’t cling unrealistically to the old.

Last, but not least with regard to family and friends, someone may come up with some kind of new tradition which will suit everyone very well and deepen your relationships to each other. Try not to roll your eyes at the idea too much and just get involved. One day you will be very glad that you did.

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Love and Relationships

The Magician Tarot Card Meanings Love

The Magician tarot card meaning for love can most definitely mean that someone new is likely to be coming into your life.

If you have been alone and have been hoping to meet a new romantic partner, this could soon be coming to pass. Quite possibly sooner than you think.

Of course, new people don’t usually just turn up on your doorstep and ring the doorbell and even if they do you have to be truly ready to meet someone else. If you are not ready, then the relationship simply will not come about – it doesn’t matter how “meant to be” a relationship is – there has to be an opening and a readiness.

You can look forward to positive changes in your love life if you are already involved with someone, but again there is a caveat. It won’t just happen to you out of the blue as it will require your participation and your willingness to change, stretch yourself, and grow. Assess the state of your self-esteem and if it needs improvement, you should work on it!

Spiritual Growth

The Magician Tarot Card Meanings Spiritual Growth

The Magician is a card that shows that you must learn to integrate the mundane and the spiritual in your life.

If you think your spiritual life does not have anything to do with the way that you think about yourself and of others, then you are wrong.

So, think again. Think about the internal voices and messages that your inner self is getting from the way that you behave, think about, and treat yourself. Not to mention how you treat other people around you. Are those messages positive? They should be.

When you deal with other people, is there a recurring criticism that you may receive? If so, do you just think that they don’t understand you? If you want to grow, the Magician is an indicator that the time has come to maturely and dispassionately look at the feedback that you are getting from others.

Don’t dismiss it, consider it. You might find a tremendous gift there. But if you are in denial, if you refuse to see that there might be changes to make that will be best for you and for the people you care about then those changes will never be made.

Keep an open mind and don’t let ego win over self-esteem. That is a slippery slope. True self-esteem and not ego masquerading as self-esteem is where the magic happens.

Work and Career

The Magician Tarot Card Meanings Work & Career

In a spread about work and career, the Magician points very much to the need to take a risk. Essentially, this card is telling you it is time to think creatively – outside the box as the expression goes.

That of course does not mean that you should start wearing a clown nose to work if you are an investment banker, but it does mean that you might need to clue your boss in to some of the ideas for new procedures that you’ve been thinking about that might benefit your firm’s processes and its bottom line.

If you are looking for work and having trouble getting any traction at all, try a different method. Go to “business after hours” events. Join a club. Volunteer for a local event. Anything at all that will put you in the position of meeting new people and getting the opportunity to say that you are looking for new opportunities.

It may also be extremely helpful if you talk openly to friends and family. They may know of a job opening that they hadn’t mentioned to you because you hadn’t asked about it! There’s a reason why the old phrase “If you don’t ask, you don’t get!” has been repeated for generations. It’s because it’s true! Ask. The Magician is telling you that you should.

Money and Finances

The Magician Tarot Card Meanings Money & Finance

Money and finances should be showing an improvement. If they are not yet doing so, don’t despair because they almost certainly will. Have faith that it will come about even if you cannot see any way for it to happen.

Something will come along (or perhaps someone) that will help you to make better money. It could be a new job, a side job, a promotion, or something along those lines. It could be a windfall but is more likely to be something less rarified than that.

Due diligence for everything of course; especially when something appears too good to be true. Do check any such offer thoroughly but when the Magician appears it is likely to be the real deal and not pie in the sky.

A Message and Advice from Spirit

The Magician Tarot Card Meanings Message from Spirit

The message from Spirit here is combine. Combine what you already have (speaking both literally and metaphorically) in new ways.

Whether you combine people, or a new idea with a person, or projects and people, or people and things doesn’t matter. Just so long as you combine the magic the Magician is known for will happen.

Any of those combinations could bring new and positive things and situations into your life. Don’t allow yourself to believe for one second that you are powerless. Where there is life, as they say, there is hope. And where there is hope there is power.

Your thoughts have a tremendous amount to do with the quality of your life so reach outside yourself. Pray, or affirm, or simply think about where you want to go from here. You have not tried every combination within your control so keep trying.

The Magician Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 01 Magician” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.