The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

Most cards have strong ties either to somewhat positive energy or to somewhat negative energy. A few are more or less in the middle and the High Priestess reversed is one of them.

It is important not to jump to depressing conclusions as this card is not a harbinger of doom. But she does point to all not being what it seems on the surface.

She’s urging whoever is having the reading to need to look deeply and carefully at what is around them.

The High Priestess implies that some people and groups involved with the querent are inclined to be haphazard in the way that they are dealing with life. For some people this is extremely difficult to deal with.

The energies of the High Priestess reversed also suggest the attitude of “Trust, but verify,” will be extremely useful to you when it comes to agreements with others in general.

Overall, however, the High Priestess reversed is not a bad card. She simply suggests that we look deeper; at everything and everyone, including ourselves and our own motives.

The High Priestess Reversed Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Friends, Friendships, & Family

When the High Priestess reversed is significant in a reading about friends and family, it is an indication that people are at least somewhat vaguely confused. This is an important time to spell things out to your nearest and dearest but also for them to do the same.

Communication can be unclear when she appears and so can the impressions that you are picking up from your friends and family members. Just, make sure you are all on the same page before doing or saying something that cannot be undone or unsaid.

The reversed High Priestess can indicate that you simply need to ask questions. Ask people what they want and need, ask them what they care about, ask them if they are having a hard time. Don’t make assumptions as they simply may not be accurate if you do so.

The High Priestess reversed also suggests that this may not be the greatest time to befriend new people and to try to bring them into your circle of friends. People may not be as open to that as you’d expect so don’t be pushy about that kind of thing now; it may backfire on you.

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Love and Relationships

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Love

There is a strong possibility that that people are more strongly attracted to you than usual. Even though you may not see why this is so you should make the most of the opportunities presented to you when the High Priestess reversed is in your corner.

Make sure you don’t miss out if you are looking for love. It is undoubtedly a good time to explore possibilities. This would also mean you shouldn’t ignore someone who you would normally consider out of reach.

If you are already in a relationship the High Priestess reversed can indicate a period of misunderstanding between you and your partner. It is important that you do not jump to conclusions during this period.

Whatever is said, or whatever is done, don’t automatically assume that your interpretation of events is correct. Ask. Ask and make sure that you’re on the same page. Clarity of communication is key.

Spiritual Growth

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Spiritual Growth

There is no question that negative energy is necessary for spiritual growth. The High Priestess reversed is not exactly pure negative, but she’s not exactly sunshine and roses positive, either.

The energy the High Priestess reversed brings to bear includes a need to stop and listen and feel to what is happening.

The High Priestess reversed also points toward the collective unconscious, the fertile energetic ties that connect us all. There are messages there for everyone, if we can quiet ourselves and get our egos out of the way. Take time to just “be,” and you’ll likely find yourself more poised and more self-assured.

Taking note of her suggestions and acting upon them will help point you in the direction you need to go to continue with your spiritual growth.

Work and Career

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Work & Career

As far as work is concerned the appearance of the High Priestess reversed points to confusion. The confusion being yours!

You are likely to be unsure about what is happening, and this may relate to the company, perhaps the direction it is heading in, or your department, or simply the behavior of some people around you.

Ask your boss for clarification if that is possible. If he or she is not someone that you think is approachable then it will probably be best to keep a low profile until events become clearer. Of course, if it is your boss that is sowing the seeds of confusion then the low profile is definitely your best choice.

If you are currently looking for a job, she is not a great card to get. One or more opportunities may come your way but quite frankly, unless you are desperate, you would be better off waiting. Something better will come along.

Money and Finances

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Money & Finance

Just like the upright version of the High Priestess, she is not a great card to get when reversed either. She is an extremely clear indicator that all is not what it seems.

This could relate to someone you are dealing with, a deal that you’re working on, a loan you are considering, a big purchase, or all of them, absolutely anything that is something along those lines.

Make sure you dig deep and find out all you need to know before committing to anything of a financial nature.

A Message and Advice from Spirit

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Message from Spirit

You may be preoccupied right now with a lot going on and paying attention to your spiritual side may not be top of your priority list. That needs to change because it is indeed time for you to prioritize your deeper thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Even if you are an atheist or agnostic, you are likely to feel, at least at times, as though there is more to life than what meets the eye.

Pay attention to your dreams if you can remember any of them. Start a dream journal. Look for synchronicities. You may be very surprised at what you find.

The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 02 High Priestess” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.