The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

The Empress reversed is a good card in general and the reversal does not negate that fact. As with many of the face cards in the tarot, the Empress is both a reminder of our abilities to participate in manifestation and also creation.

Even if we tend to think that we don’t have a creative bone in our body, the fact is that everyone has imagination. Everyone can and should understand that we all have the power to create even if that is in incredibly different ways.

The Empress reversed is still indicative of feminine energies and feminine power. Her appearance in a tarot reading can sometimes mean that there is an imbalance to your yin and yang. In other words, you are concentrating on your masculine side and ignoring the feminine side.

The Empress Reversed Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Friends, Friendships, & Family

You may need to remind your friends and family to get moving when this card appears. People covered by the Empress reversed tend to want to sit down, sit back, and relax when what they actually need is to get moving but to do so thoughtfully. For example, not everyone can or should be a runner. Pay attention to your body. Fitness is not all or nothing.

Also, when the Empress reversed shows up, it’s likely that the work the querent is doing may be very uninspiring and even boring. If they are lucky enough to have a partner that will help support them, this card suggests that taking a risk with their work will pay off. Perhaps they need to try a new gig or consider starting their own business. This card is a reminder that we should think about what we can create and go for it.

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Love and Relationships

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Love

The Empress reversed reminds us that we can’t think our way out of a feeling. Love and relationships require both thinking and feeling, and it is also particularly important to try to understand the way that your loved one is feeling.

However, the Empress reversed also warns that it’s possible to get too mired in your feelings. Feelings are temporary, like a storm in the sky. Don’t hold too tightly to the storm, or to the sunshine.

All things change, and that doesn’t mean that there is necessarily a problem of any kind. If you are worried or concerned about the way your partner (or potential partner) is feeling, there’s a simple solution – ask.

Spiritual Growth

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Spiritual Growth

The Empress reversed means you should give some thought to the balance between male and female type energies within. No one is 50/50 in that way; we all have a varying balance of energy and it can change rapidly.

However, the best route to true spiritual growth is balance. Consider carefully what is meant by feminine energy at the spiritual level, and the same for masculine energy. Obviously, it is not related to the cliches of what a woman is meant to be, etc.

Start with the basic building blocks: feminine energy is receptive, nurturing, and supportive. Masculine energy is penetrating, productive, forceful, and protective.

These energies are on a continuum and we are all moving from one place to another on this scale all the time. The querent should ask themselves “Do you think you need more of a particular type of spiritual energy? Why or why not?”

Sometimes growth comes about simply because we are willing to grow. Are you willing to grow and learn? Do you want certain things in your life to change? When the answer to the last two questions is “Yes” then seeking growth and guidance is necessary.

Find both of those things and not only will growth happen but the spiritual benefits will not only be good for the querent, but also for the people around them.

Work and Career

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Work & Career

If you are already working, then the Empress reversed indicates that you may not know just how much your work is appreciated and consequently how much you are appreciated.

Both you and your work are trusted by others so make sure you return the favor where it is warranted.

For those of you searching for a job the Empress reversed is a positive card to get in a reading. There is a caveat though. Well, not so much a caveat as a suggestion. When you get an interview don’t be “all business” and analytical. The interviewer is looking for a human being and not a robot. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings.

Money and Finances

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Money & Finance

The Empress reversed in a money related reading is telling you to trust the Universe to provide your needs.

That doesn’t mean you can be profligate with your money, but it does mean that you will be all right. It’s an abundant universe and it can spare some of that abundance for you.

Make sure you pay attention to how you approach your financial needs but don’t overthink it and don’t stress out unnecessarily. This card says that you will be okay.

A Message and Advice from Spirit

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Message from Spirit

Calm down and do your best to help calm others down when this card appears. This may be the proverbial winter of someone’s discontent, but it doesn’t mean that all is lost, and everything is horrible. Help yourself and others to focus on the good in their lives.

The Empress reversed can also indicate the querent is feeling as though they have no control over their lives. That feeling is extremely counter-productive, so make a point to take back some control, even if it is only in a very small way. Even in extreme situations we always have choices. Make a choice. Take back control.

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 03 Empress” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.