General Interpretation

The Star

The Star is about emotional and spiritual depth and although it can appear in conjunction with the mundane (as can any of the major arcana of course) it rarely does. It is much more likely to appear when you are experiencing or facing something that is anything but mundane.

It has everything to do with weighty even profound things in life. Think of all the clichés that you have come across that mention a star and there’s a good chance you’ll be on the right track.

Go ahead and make a wish – this card implies hope. It doesn’t guarantee success, but it doesn’t mean you have to give up just because things are difficult. Just because you can’t see your way ahead clearly doesn’t mean there isn’t a way.

The Star Upright Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

Although it is unlikely to last forever (very little ever does) this card points toward there being a sudden increase in understanding and camaraderie among you and yours.

Relationships within your family and/or with your friends will be seeing an improvement when the Star appears. It may also indicate an acceptance that perhaps wasn’t there before over some aspect of life that has caused conflict.

Put quite simply it is a time when you can expect friendliness, good conversations, and satisfying visits with both friends and family.

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Love and Relationships

Generally, the Star is a positive sign for romantic relationships whether you’re already in one, or whether you’re looking for one. It is like a soft focus filter put in front of a camera lens; it makes everything look prettier, and it’s harder to see any flaws or imperfections.

This is not in the sense of making love blind, but more that you are seeing through to the heart of the matter and what you see is good. Forget the surface imperfections which we can easily see and sometimes can’t see past. It’s what is underneath that truly matters. It always is. Beauty, as the saying goes, is only skin deep.

If you are in a relationship and even if it currently has problems the fact is that if you truly love each other, and if you are truly ready, willing, and able to work on the root causes then you might be able to pull through and make it last a lifetime.

Spiritual Growth

The Star says that this is a time when your spiritual growth is more readily accessible. This is a great time to read books about spirituality, to attend discussion groups, or to visit other spiritual and religious traditions to see what does or does not resonate with you.

You should be asking yourself the deepest questions you can think of and then answering them. You may not have all the answers but the ones you do have may surprise you. Even though it is not always obvious growth often comes wrapped in surprise.

Work and Career

They will probably be seeing your good points more clearly than usual when the Star comes up in a reading around your work and that is nearly always a good thing.

It is also a good omen if you are looking for a job or a career change and it indicates that this might be the time to make a leap of faith and take a chance on something new.

Act with your whole being and you are very likely to be successful when you get this card. In other words, put your heart into your work, not just your logical mind and you are likely to be the better for it.

Message from Spirit

Look for the glow underneath the surface. It is there, in everything and you too are partly made of the same things that the stars in the sky are made from. Ponder that one for a while.

The Star Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 17 Star” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.