General Interpretation

The Tower

The Tower is about things falling apart. Usually this happens suddenly; one minute things are like they always are, and the next minute things have changed and the world has turned upside down.

Sometimes this is only a temporary change, more often it’s permanent or at least semi-permanent. Many, many people do not like this card and to a degree with good reason.

But when this kind of falling apart happens it helps to bear in mind that it’s like the clearing away of Winter so that Spring can arrive again. Change is a constant in life.

The Tower Upright Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

When the Tower appears it is critically important not to overreact. Yes, sometimes this card can signify a complete break-up of a friendship or family unit, but usually it’s just a short-term rift.

If both of you want the relationship to continue then it will continue. It would be a mistake to assume that all is lost here.

However, it’s also a mistake to think that everything will be okay no matter what you do or say. This card implies a need for caution and thoughtfulness both at home and with your friends.

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Love and Relationships

This card is not quite the horrible omen it initially appears to be, but it is a difficult one. It generally means a conflict or a separation of some kind but remember this is often only temporary.

You shouldn’t take it to mean the relationship is over. If you want to work things out there’s still a high likelihood that you can do so, but it definitely means you will not have everything your own way.

Tread carefully and for make sure you don’t say anything you don’t mean. If you’ve got apologies to make then make them and don’t delay.

Spiritual Growth

In order to grow spiritually the Tower says that you need to watch out for and revisit any “certain knowledge” that you feel you have about spirituality.

If you are convinced that you already know absolutely everything there is to know about a subject, it precludes learning.

During a discussion about human nature, there is a line in the movie Avatar where a character says “It is hard to put water into an already full cup.” The “cup” refers to the way that we humans think, of course, and what we believe in. Be sure that there is still room in your “cup” and it will be filled.

Work and Career

When it comes to work and career this card says that change is coming and that you’d better get ready. That doesn’t mean that everything is necessarily going to fall apart and nothing that you’re familiar with will be there anymore, but it does mean that you will need to be flexible. This is not a time to be taking big chances or to be demanding.

It never hurts under these energies to “hedge your bets.” This may take the form of looking for another job, or it may be that you simply cut back on spending and save more.

Often these changes are for your good even though it may not feel like it while it’s happening. Don’t make assumptions and take things one step at a time.

Message from Spirit

Nothing in life is permanent. Sometimes things break so that they can be fixed and become much better than they were initially.

The Tower Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 16 Tower” by Pamela Coleman Smith (d 1951) – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.