The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings

The Chariot is very much a card of energy and movement. But this is generally movement under your own steam, as opposed to someone throwing you over their shoulder and taking you along with wherever they are going.

And when we get down to the quality of this metaphoric movement, it is deliberate, planned, and controlled as opposed to movement and change just for the sake of it with no clear plan in mind. Self-control is important here. Be sure to take things one step at a time.

The Chariot Upright Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings Friends, Friendships, & Family

This card points to a definite need for self-control and self-discipline. It doesn’t matter how upset you are, it’s always wise to be thoughtful about what you say and how you say it. They say that loose lips sink ships – they can also sink even the closest of family or friendships. No matter what has been happening, no matter what your concerns are, there is a time, a place, and a way to express this without alienating all concerned.

This is a time when your ambitions may be coming clearer to you in terms of what you want to do with your life. Some of your friends and family may feel slighted and/or may not understand where you are coming from. Do your best to explain but if they’re offended and angry there’s not much you can really do to change it. You can’t and shouldn’t get rid of your ambitions!

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Love and Relationships

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings Love

Slow it down, slow it way down. If you have met someone in the recent past and feel convinced that this is the one, take it slow and steady and write things down in your diary about your feelings rather than emailing them to this person and utterly overwhelming them right off the bat. True, meaningful love and romance takes time to develop and to think otherwise is folly.

If you have not formed a relationship when this this card comes up in a love reading, or even if you have not met anyone you’d like to have a relationship with, there’s a very good chance that you are going to do so in short order. Patience will pay off for you now even though it’s likely to be the hardest thing in the world to manifest so distract yourself as best you can while you wait.

Spiritual Growth

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings Spiritual Growth

You may find yourself feeling something akin to ravenous when it comes to ideals and personal, spiritual approaches to life. Perhaps once upon a time you were brought up in some sort of religious tradition – perhaps it no longer calls to you as an adult.

You do not necessarily have to try to force yourself to continue with church/meetings, etc., if that is not where your passion lies. You will grow from making yourself learn new things and/or be around new people. Try to do at least some of that, even if it is only a few times a year. You will be glad that you did and you will grow as a result.

Work and Career

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings Work & Career

In nearly all circumstances, this is a very good omen for work-related questions. The Chariot is an extremely energetic card, with a lot of positive, forceful energy behind it. Most importantly, this is energy that you can and should direct. But the energy needs to be controlled; someone who is a neurological surgeon who needs to be extremely careful and slow at work cannot just let that energy fly free – it would lead to catastrophe. But for most of the rest of us, exhibiting initiative or drive is only going to help us. If you have a good idea – talk to the powers that be about it. Do your best and it will pay off.

Money and Finances

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings Money & Finance

It can be tempting to see the Chariot as always being a positive omen when it comes to finances, but that’s an over-statement of the case. The Chariot always means movement, and that movement is generally in a positive direction/the way in which you’d like things to go.

But it is also the case that it’s open, positive energy. It is just that it’s not likely to be the dream lottery win type of positive increase in your bank balance, more that it’s an increase in your typical paycheck that you didn’t have to ask for.

The Chariot with regards to finance does always indicate movement – movement from one “place” to another. If you are struggling financially, then it’s time to take a look at what you believe about money. There is no magic bullet, no affirmation that is going to bring you riches like a cosmic piggy bank, but if you believe that you must struggle and scrape for money forever then guess what? You are going to struggle and scrape for money forever. Proverbially, take yourself to a different place financially and start with your beliefs.

Message from Spirit

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings Message from Spirit

The message is that no matter what it looks like on the surface, no matter what the past has been like: you have the capacity to control yourself. Sometimes we are captives of the past and we fail to take steps to change that in the present.

Learn to manage your impulses and your drives, and you are more than halfway toward getting where you need to go. Don’t hesitate to shine.

The Chariot Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 07 Chariot” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.