General Interpretation


Strength is indeed a card about power, but it’s not about overpowering others. It’s a card about energies that leave meaningful imprints both figuratively and literally, but most importantly it is about self-control.

It’s very difficult to have strength without courage and so that quality too is part of the interpretation here. When it appears in a reading it generally means that you should be on the lookout for things that are going to be important and meaningful. This is unlikely to be a boring, superficial time.

Strength Upright Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

Generally speaking, this is the energy of friends and family members that is unbreakable. If you need support it will be there for you. Don’t try to get through this period on your own but reach out if you need assistance or even just someone to talk to.

You are likely to feel as though you and yours can overcome anything and there is a great deal of truth to that but only if you work together. This is not a time to try to be a hero, or to bite the bullet and just get through everything alone. Ask for help and you will be glad that you did.

If you feel lonely and are concerned that you just don’t have anything to say or that no one will want to be around you, this is a time to think critically and carefully about that. What is your evidence, for example, for your idea that no one will want to be around you?

Don’t confuse your feelings with facts; they are not one and the same. And the truth with a capital T here – is that you are strong. You are capable of having strong friendships and family relationships. Don’t doubt it for a second.

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Love and Relationships

Again this is the energy of controlling yourself, not of controlling other people. If you are looking for a relationship these energies are very promising. It’s a really good time to get out and mingle and to try to meet new people and if you do you could strike very lucky.

When evaluating an existing relationship, this points to a strong connection which is likely to endure if both people want that to happen. Self-control still features here, however; just because a connection is strong doesn’t mean you can go from zero to sixty right away. Take things one step at a time.

Spiritual Growth

This energy often points to growth in leaps and bounds. Sudden thunderbolts out of the blue often take place here and you suddenly understand what is meant by the proverbial power of now. Keep an open mind and consider leaving your comfort zone. For example if you are unabashedly secular in your approach to life; consider reading a religious text for a few days or vice versa. It’s a great time to take notes or to keep a diary because big, overwhelming spiritual changes and inspirations can come about now, and you won’t want to lose the lesson or forget it.

Work and Career

The appearance of Strength means it is a time when you must look beyond the surface. If things look bleak and disheartening you need to look deeper. When this energy appears in a reading you can rest assured that there was a great deal of energy involved with the creation of the organization where you are now. That energy is still there even if it hasn’t been tapped in a long time. Even if you are the lowest person on the totem pole at work, you still have input into how things go there, and your best bet is to focus on the strengths of the organization has rather than on what it doesn’t have and on what doesn’t work. Those thoughts subtly change your energy for the better, and like attracts like. You being strong attracts more strength.

Message from Spirit

The message here is incredibly simple. Don’t give up. You are stronger than you know. Share your strength and do not be fooled by any negative surface appearances. Things will be alright.

Strength Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 08 Strength” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.