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The Fool Tarot Card Meanings

The Fool tarot card meaning speaks of a positive and perhaps even a profound new start. Beginners often make the mistake of thinking that the card is saying that you are being foolish when the reality is nothing of the sort.
Think back to a time in your life when you were young. A time when you had achieved something that was important to you.
You felt that you were ready to take on the world. This is that sort of energy; open, hopeful and expansive and very different to being foolish, though there can be an element of naiveté.
In general, the Fool is a positive omen. You will get the chance to try and have your say and/or to do your thing. In a way the universe is saying “This is the first day of the rest of your life so what are you going to do about it?”
There is no question that there is a risk involved when you see the Fool turn up in a spread. But then, there always is in life unless all you want to do is stagnate. Not all risks are foolhardy, but it is foolhardy to think that they are.
The Fool Upright Meanings Step-by-Step
Friends, Friendships, and Family
The energy here in the context of friendships and family indicates several possibilities – most of them pleasant.
Again, it’s the energy of newness, openness, and naiveté. So, the near future would be a good time to introduce your friends to your family. Alternatively, or additionally, the advice of the Fool is that it’s a good time to meet new friends.
It is not an indicator that everything will go as smooth as silk overall, and that there wouldn’t be any conflicts if you tried to combine “a night with the girls,” and “a night with your sisters,” but it does mean that in the long run you won’t be sorry that you did.
This is the energy of close and meaningful friendships and familial relationships. If you are feeling isolated at this point this is highly likely to be a wonderful time to get out and meet new people. Granted, it can be difficult to make good friends in adulthood, but you won’t make friends at all if all you do is stay in.
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Love and Relationships
If you are not already in a relationship, then it’s a clear signal that a new one could be coming your way.
The caveat being if (and only if) you are willing and able to get out of your comfort zone. Every chance you get you should put yourself into situations where you are likely to meet new people. Don’t turn down invitations to go somewhere or do something different.
If you are in an existing and fairly casual relationship, the appearance of the Fool can mean that the other party in the relationship is going to try to put it onto a more serious basis. So, if you’re dating someone and you just can’t see taking it further, this is the time to decide how you wish to handle that. Do you wish to ask for more time and see how things go? Or do you wish to hopefully go back to being just friends?
Lastly, if you are in a serious relationship, the appearance of the Fool likely points to a need for change in the relationship. That doesn’t mean you suddenly have to start going to tai chi classes or do anything that you don’t wish to do. But it does mean that the same-old, same-old is not going to work as well as it once did.
Spiritual Growth
The Fool indicates that openness is critical if you want to grow spiritually. That means listening to people you don’t agree with and reading things that you think are not your thing.
Perhaps even attending services and/or discussions which might expose you to new spiritual ideas. At the very least glancing at a book in a bookstore or reading a discussion online.
Limiting yourself by staying on the same path you have been on for years is not going to contribute to growth. It is time to step outside your comfort zone.
Work and Career
The appearance of the Fool in a spread about work and its tarot meaning firmly indicates that it’s time to take a risk. At the very least, to make some sort of minor change.
Ask yourself that old clichéd question – where do you want to be in your career five years from now and why? What would have to happen for you to make that sort of transition?
It is extremely unlikely that you will be forced to move to a different employer or line of work if you don’t want to do so but if you’ve been thinking about making a move, this would be a really good time to dust off that resume and make some inquiries. You are likely to be very pleasantly surprised at how much interest you find.
Money and Finances
The Fool is a really positive card to get when it comes to money and finances. Despite being a very positive card, it does not mean you will become a millionaire overnight by winning the lottery.
That is not impossible of course, but you’d almost certainly be wrong to think that way. What it does mean though, is that your finances are highly likely to improve. It could be an inheritance, a promotion, a pay rise, or a better job. Pretty much anything that will make you better off.
The Fool doesn’t mean that you should just drift along waiting for the windfall. You should strive to work hard and know that no matter what, financially you will be alright during this period of your life.
A Message and Advice from Spirit
The message from Spirit here in a nutshell is try. Take a risk. Don’t wait until everything is perfect because if you do you will be waiting forever.
If you were looking at the flowers instead of where you were going (metaphorically speaking) then so be it. Things might fall apart. You might fall down. It doesn’t matter because you will live. Life is short. Use your common sense, but don’t wait or life will pass you by.
The Fool Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time
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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 00 Fool” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley (http://home.comcast.net/~vilex/) for the public domain and retrieved from http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.