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General Introduction

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords is just as much about new beginnings as the aces in the other suits although it often goes hand in hand with an ending. It may be that more than one new beginning is possible when it appears.

It often means a new beginning following a loss, or separation, or ending, or something of that nature. That may not be the best way to start something new from an emotional point of view, but choices have been made in the past either by you or by someone else and this is where you are now.

If it has not already happened then the Ace can also indicate that you need to make a decision which will bring about the aforementioned loss or separation. That means change and that can be scary, it nearly always is for most people.

Courage is not being unafraid. Courage is being afraid and doing it anyway. And this is what the Ace of Swords is calling upon you to do. Its underlying energy is positive and painful though it may be this change is in your best interests.

Friends and Family

The Ace of Swords is not a great card to see when considering family and friends. It can often indicate that there is going to be an ending of some description and that is likely to prove painful for all concerned.

No, it doesn’t mean that someone is going to die but it could mean the end of a friendship, the divorce of a friend, or it could even mean a divorce within the family, someone moving away, almost anything of that nature.

It doesn’t have to be major, though. The question you are asking will often give you the correct context for interpretation.  It will often appear in connection with endings of a much more minor sort.

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Love and Relationships

Its appearance in an existing relationship is probably more problematic than you might like. It indicates that something is not right and it is almost certainly to your detriment rather than your partner’s.

Speak your mind and see if you can put a stop to what is hurtful, painful, or upsetting to you. If your partner does their part then all well and good and it may be that your relationship will be better from now on.

If however, speaking your mind causes a split and your ways part then don’t look on it as the end of the world. You are simply being guided toward a more healthful relationship.

Similarly, if they don’t do their part to redress the problem then you need to consider if staying in such an unhealthy relationship is wise. The Ace of Swords is telling you that it isn’t.

The Ace of Swords is a clear indication that if you are looking for love then you are ready. All the old baggage that was holding you back has gone and your search can now begin in earnest. Don’t be surprised at how quickly you may be successful.

Spiritual Growth

Your current belief system has outlived its usefulness quite honestly. It isn’t working for you and it hasn’t for some time and so the time has come for you to look for something new to take its place.

With hindsight you might realize that you made a mistake by hanging on to theses beliefs for much longer than you should have done and that you have wasted time and effort for nothing.

You can’t change that so simply look on it as a lesson learned and don’t be too hard on yourself. Now you can look around for something better. Spiritual truths are everywhere if you choose to look for them.

Work and Career

If you are in work and you don’t really want to move to a new job then the Ace of Swords is suggesting that you try something new where you are instead.

New ways of doing old things or new ideas that haven’t been tried before. It doesn’t matter which or what so long as changes to existing policies or procedures benefit you and others. There’s nothing wrong with making life a little easier is there? Eventually you will get the credit you deserve for this even if your boss claims the credit in the short term.

If you are not married to the idea of staying where you are then it can mean that now is a good time to consider your options. See what other jobs are around and whether one of those would be a better fit.

If you are looking for a job then keep your eyes and ears open. If going through the same search routine you always do doesn’t turn up something new then think outside the box and try something different.

Message from Spirit

Everyone makes mistakes and you are no exception. Don’t be unnecessarily hard on yourself for it is through making mistakes that you learn the most.

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Image Attribution: “Ace of Swords” via Wikipedia.