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General Introduction

2 of Swords

The 2 of Swords is about partnerships and balance and the give and take involved. The partnerships in question don’t have to be romantic in origin but could be friendships, or business relationships, or something else.

Whatever the case it is likely to be your partnership with a person rather than a group or company. It’s not impossible that it may refer to a group but it would be very uncommon for it to do so.

All partnerships should be balanced and equal for both sides to get the most out of them. Perhaps symbiotic would be a good way to put it, but the symbiosis needs to benefit both partners equally.

The 2 of Swords is asking you to consider how equal your partnership is. Are you being treated fairly by your partner? Are you getting back from the partnership what you put into it?

If the answer is negative then you will need to take clear steps to redress the balance. A certain amount of imbalance on a temporary basis is to be expected in any partnership, but when it is not temporary and is one-sided then something needs to change.

Friends and Family

The appearance of the 2 of Swords is probably not the greatest of comments that you would wish for with regard to family and friends. It’s not a dreadful card but it does speak of the need for something to change.

It speaks of there being an imbalance and it is very likely to be an imbalance that is not in your favor. It may be that you are doing more than your fair share of anything and everything when this card appears.

Are you the one that always has to go and collect mom or dad? Are you the one that always does the driving to pick up the kids? And they’re not even your kids? Are your siblings or friends (if that is the case) doing their fair share?

Just because you’re family doesn’t mean they have a right to use you. They won’t address the imbalance unless you make it very clear that it needs to be addressed.

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Love and Relationships

For those already romantically involved the 2 of Swords is a good card to get. It indicates your relationship is entering an important stage where all is fair and balanced and that you are rightly treating each other as equals.

If you are still looking for love then the two is an important card to get and has an important message to give. It is telling you that you may have emotional baggage to get rid of or unresolved issues to deal with before you are going to find the love you want.

Don’t look to others to fix your unhappiness. You don’t want a partner that “completes” you, or one that is your “other half.” You need to be a complete and happy person in your own right as do they. If you look to others to make you happy rather than making yourself happy you will get nowhere.

Deal with the past or whatever issues you have and then resume your search. Only then will you find the love you are looking for and only then will it be one worth having.

Some would say this is a very bad card to get, because it means you are not going to find the love you are looking for. And you won’t, not yet. And the key word is “yet.” When that “yet” happens is in your hands.

If the 2 of Swords makes you fix what needs to be fixed and helps you become the person that someone out there is looking for then it’s a good card, perhaps even a great card to get.

Spiritual Growth

The 2 of Swords is a good card to get in readings related to spiritual growth. Basically it is telling you that you are on the right path and that it’s going to pay off.

It doesn’t matter what others may feel about your beliefs, or that your beliefs wouldn’t work for them because all that counts right now is that they work for you.

And they are, so keep on doing what you’re doing!

Work and Career

At work you are likely to be called upon to exercise a degree of patience. There may well be delays around something you are doing and the chances are there will be nothing you can do about it. You are likely to be waiting on a decision that is in somebody else’s hands.

The 2 of Swords can also point to the possibility of work you should have done not being done, or perhaps you have not done it as well as you should have done. There’s likely to be an accounting over this so make sure you have a good explanation (or at least as good as you can come up with) but don’t panic – it’s not the end of the world.

If you are looking for work then the two speaks of delays to you too. If you are waiting for the results of an interview then you are likely to be waiting longer than you would like. There’s no point in chasing because it won’t make it happen any faster. The results are likely to be in the balance still at this time so don’t give up hope just because you haven’t heard back.

If you are simply still looking then you will need to look some more. It is likely to be a while before you find something that that may pay off. Keep plugging away and make sure you are not overlooking possibilities.

Message from Spirit

The path you are on is a good one and it is more positive than you may realize.

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Image Attribution: “2 of Swords” via Wikipedia.