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General Introduction

6 of Swords

The 6 of Swords is a little more upbeat than its predecessor. It doesn’t mean that all the pain and suffering has gone, but it does indicate a lessening of the stress and strain involved. Things are beginning to get a little better.

This is a good time to give some thought as to what happens next. Where do you want to go from here? Things have been rough but they’re not going to stay that way forever. It would benefit you to take short break while you try and figure it out.

You don’t need to spend a fortune and go somewhere exotic (although there’s nothing wrong with doing so if you can afford it!) but a change of scenery will help the process.

The six can also indicate travel in general rather than just taking a break to think things through. It doesn’t matter what sort of travel or how far you go. It is simply an auspicious omen and from that point of view it’s a really good card.

It can, on occasion, indicate metaphorical travel and reflect internal changes you are undergoing. When it does it nearly always means the change is a change for the better.

Friends and Family

Although things may have been somewhat fraught for a while like almost everything in life that is not going to last forever. The stress and strain is not going to disappear overnight but you should at least find that it has diminished somewhat.

It would benefit you to spend some time away from friends or family to build upon this cessation of hostilities. It will give you the chance to consider what needs to be done next in order to bring back some semblance of normality.

It is still going to take time for things to return to the way they once were, or if the current issue precludes that ever happening then at least peace will be a starting point for the future.

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Love and Relationships

The 6 of Swords is not a bad card to get regardless of whether you are in a relationship or still looking. It’s all about routine and the need for something different.

If you are in a relationship it would benefit you both to get away for a break. It doesn’t need to be an expensive holiday just so long as you get a change of scenery. Things are a little jaded and a weekend away would be a good way to fix it. The same old same old gets boring even when love is involved.

Those looking for love get a slightly different message. It’s still about getting away but this time it’s about getting away from the way you are currently doing things. Change your routine and change the places you go to. Try something new and somewhere different. There’s nothing wrong with taking a weekend off and going away for a change, but it’s more about change where you are.

Spiritual Growth

The 6 of Swords is an interesting card to get in a spiritual context. It indicates a new level of awareness will soon be yours and answers that have been elusive up to now will be found.

This new level of awareness is likely to be linked to changes you have made in your routine. This could be travel to somewhere new or simply an exploration of different spiritual beliefs. Whichever is the case you are likely to experience a sudden “eureka” moment.

Work and Career

It may be that you are in the process of leaving your current job, or at least thinking about doing so. Change is nearly always a little scary but in a situation like this you need to trust the Universe that it is pointing you in the direction of something better.

That doesn’t necessarily mean better financially although that could be the case, but more that you will be better suited to something else spiritually and emotionally.

If you already have another job to go to then the six is telling you that it may take you a while to get to grips with the new job and that seeking advice or guidance is a smart thing to do.

Its meaning for those of you looking for a job is still about change in a way. It may be that you would stand a better chance of getting a job if you were prepared to move or travel. Relocating may open up many more opportunities, and if you can’t relocate then what about being prepared for a longer commute? Again, it may open up more possibilities.

Message from Spirit

You have been missing messages given in the waking world, so pay attention to your dreams for another chance to receive them.

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Image Attribution: “6 of Swords” via Wikipedia.