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General Introduction

5 of Swords

The 5 of Swords is all about mixed feelings, internal conflict, external conflict, and picking your battles. Overall it is negative and not a card that you really want to see appear.

Life and people may seem very confusing to you right now and your attitude to it all will be full of ambivalence. You shouldn’t ignore the way you feel and discussion with some of those concerned may well help. At the same time you would be wise to keep some of your thoughts to yourself and not to escalate any conflict unnecessarily.

If you still feel that you need to let someone have it then count to ten. Then count to ten again. If you still really feel that that is what you need to do then you will have to do what you have to do. Just don’t be surprised if you ruin a friendship or relationship beyond repair.

The five definitely means engage brain before opening mouth. It also tells you not to make a federal case out of everything. Just because you think you’re right doesn’t mean you are. And even if you are right is it really worth the damage you may do?

Count to ten and then keep counting. Major conflict is not the only way of solving problems.

Friends and Family

The 5 of Swords is definitely not a good card to see in relation to friends and family. It indicates that this is a time of conflict and sometimes that conflict will be obvious and sometimes it won’t. Even if everything seems calm on the surface you should not assume that everything is all right. People may easily be running their mouths off behind your back even if they are not saying anything to you.

Most families and most friendships will undergo acrimonious times such as these at some point. It is only the degree to which it happens and the degree to which it escalates that changes.

Just because you think you’re right doesn’t mean that everyone else will agree with you. The best thing you can do is to keep a cool head and make sure that you play no part in escalating a situation beyond repair. This conflict will pass if it is allowed to do so.

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Love and Relationships

The 5 of Swords is a really bad card to get if you are in a relationship and it will almost without exception indicate that conflict is coming. It is not impossible that you will work things out with your partner but the odds are certainly not in your favor.

You need to figure out exactly where you stand with what you want from a relationship and so does your partner. Decide what is a deal breaker and what isn’t. Are any of those deal breakers happening? If so you need to consider whether it’s time to call it quits.

Incidentally, this is not about being right or wrong. Just because your partner may be doing something that is a deal breaker for you doesn’t necessarily mean you are in the right. Remember, you may be doing something that is a deal breaker for them. Sometimes it is just a case of not being on the same page and so it might be time to accept reality and look for love elsewhere.

If you are looking for love then the five is likely to mean that any irons you currently have in the fire are unlikely to result in the partner you are looking for. You need to keep looking.

Spiritual Growth

It may be that something of a spiritual nature that you have adhered to for a long time is no longer working for you. If that is the case then take a break from it. If, after a break it still doesn’t wok then let it go. Sometimes that is just the way it is. You will find new ideas or ways of doing things.

If you have found something new that is working for you and even if you think it deeply profound that doesn’t mean everyone needs to do it your way. Sharing your spiritual insight is fine but remember that just because it works for you doesn’t mean it will work for everyone.

Work and Career

It is not a good card to get if you are working and a clear signal that you may soon become your own worst enemy – if you have not already done so.

All companies have ways of doing things and sometimes they work well and sometimes they don’t. Just because you think that something should be done differently does not mean you are right. And even if you are right you need to be careful how you broach the need for change.

And therein lies the problem. If you are not very, very, careful you are likely to put a lot of noses out of joint, and when the 5 of Swords appears it indicates that (being polite) tact is not going to be your strong point and that is exactly what you are likely to do.

You won’t make friends and you’re unlikely to put yourself on the shortlist for promotion by disparaging the way things are done. Remember, the boss you are pointing out all the disastrous shortcomings to might well be the one who instigated the process in the first place. How would you like it if someone told you a process you instigated sucked?

There are ways and means to accomplish almost anything. Make sure you choose the right way.

For those still hoping to find a job this card can point towards you being a little too full of yourself when it comes to interviews. If you have not yet got that far then see it as a warning against such a thing. There is nothing wrong with appearing confident in front of an interviewer just make sure you don’t get confident confused with arrogant.

Message from Spirit

Sometimes the answer isn’t always clear and even when you think it is clear you might be wrong. There is no rush so think everything through carefully until you are sure you are right.

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Image Attribution: “5 of Swords” via Wikipedia.