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General Introduction

Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles is a card of grounding in some respects. It is all about the day to day minutiae that go to make up life. You need to look at the way you are handling your affairs and consider whether you are doing all that you should be doing.

“The devil is in the details” as the saying goes and the Knight is here to remind you of that fact.

The Knight can also indicate that you will receive news that you have been waiting for and that the news will be good. Although Pentacles are fundamentally linked to money the Knight is a card of practicality. If the good news relates to money it is unlikely to be news that you have won the lottery.

Friends and Family

The Knight can mean that you will receive good news from friends and family. This good news could be almost anything but the chances are you have been waiting for it to arrive.

There are times when even the closest of families can have problems and also the closest of friendships. It doesn’t mean that love or care isn’t there, but it can indicate that there is a need to do some relationship remedial work when it happens.

Actions speak louder than words so make sure you show them that you care. You don’t have to put on a world-shattering demonstration of affection, because it’s the little things that count. It may not be the trendy way of doing things but it works.

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Love and Relationships

If you are in a relationship the Knight is a reminder that you have to be willing to put in the work necessary to keep it fresh and vibrant. No relationship is ever all sunshine and roses no matter what Hollywood may try and have you believe.

Any relationship worth having is going to need much more than Hollywood stereotypical platitudes to stand the test of time. True love is not about being willing to share the good times because that’s easy to do. It’s a willingness to share the bad times and to pull together to do what it takes to to get through them.

Things don’t always go smoothly in a relationship and if they aren’t then make sure you don’t put all the blame on your partner. It takes two to tango. What part did you play in things as they currently are? Are you doing all that you should be doing? And be honest when you answer those questions.

If you are single then the Knight of Clubs is here to tell you that just like the old computer game you’re “looking for love in all the wrong places.” You need to try new venues and meet new people, so vary your routine and get outside your comfort zone.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is likely to be somewhat elusive at present. There may not be an obvious reason for the way you are feeling right now, but it would pay you to try and figure out why everything feels so overwhelming.

Take it step by step and see if you can see what is at the root of the problem. It doesn’t need to be a marathon self-examination session just so long as you get it figured out, which you will if you try.

Work and Career

The Knight will appear when there is a need for you to work within the current rules and regulations to get your work done. Doing things the way they have always been done may not be the best way to do things, but right now that is the way you must do them. Now is not the time to try and bring change in.

The Knight of Pentacles is actually a pretty good omen if you are seeking work as it brings news of a forthcoming opportunity. Although that is indeed good news it carries with it a warning to be careful when interviewed.

They will be looking for someone who is not only willing to work hard but will be dependable too. They are not looking for a high-flying maverick but someone who is a team player. Make sure that that is what you show them.

Message from Spirit

Spiritual change is coming so make sure you change for the better.

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Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

Image Attribution: “Knight of Pentacles” via Wikipedia.