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General Introduction

8 of Pentacles

The 8 of Pentacles is not really a negative card, but neither is it a particularly positive one. Its appearance will nearly always signal a period of hard work for you.

This doesn’t necessarily mean hard work at your job although it can indeed mean that, so it could be almost anything that you are connected with on a personal or professional level. Whether it’s personal or not doesn’t really matter. You are likely to find you have more on your plate than you can realistically handle.

You need to do your best of course, but it may be that you will need to ask for help. Working your backside off is admirable, but only for a time. Nobody should be working all the hours God sends so try to achieve balance.

Identify your goals accurately and concentrate on those. Trying to do everything at once is counterproductive and is likely to mean you end up doing nothing well.

Friends and Family

Friends and family are likely to be making so many calls upon your time that you don’t know whether you are coming or going so to speak.

You can’t be everywhere at once, you can’t be all things to all people, and you don’t have a magic wand you can wave to fix all their problems.

Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize,and then prioritize some more. You are just one person and you can only do so much. Put your energies to work where they will do the most good.

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Love and Relationships

The eight will be acting in the capacity of a warning signal if you are in a relationship. Your workload, or your partner’s is interfering with your relationship. Whichever is the case you must really make the effort to change this dynamic.

Find the time and make the effort to reconnect in a meaningful way otherwise your relationship is likely to suffer.

If you are looking for love however, the 8 of Pentacles is telling you that you have too much going on and that you are so focused on other things that there is no time or space left for love.

You should consider your priorities right now. How badly do you want to find love? If you cannot cut back on your commitments then it might be better to put the search for love on hold for a while. If you want love to come into your life you need to make room for it.

Spiritual Growth

The eight is asking you to ask yourself some questions. Why are you doing what you are doing? Is it simply for the money? Does anyone other than you benefit from your work? Are you giving anything good to the world?

It may be that you are working really hard but at the same time none of that hard work is paying off in any way but a financial one. There is more to life than just money so make the effort to find time to understand your position in the overall scheme of things and see what you can achieve.

Work and Career

You are likely to find yourself with a larger workload than you can easily deal with if you are currently working. There simply won’t be enough hours in the day. Too much work and not enough time to do it.

If you don’t make a realistic game plan for dealing with this workload you will likely find that you end up with nothing done particularly well. Supervisors are paid to supervise so don’t be afraid to seek their guidance in prioritizing your workload. Your workload is, after all, their workload too. How well it is done reflects on them also and not just on you.

The 8 of Pentacles indicates that you are likely to be successful in your search for emplyment. But there is a caveat. Your new position will test your skills more than you might think and as a result the work will be far more demanding than you thought. Have faith in yourself; you are capable of meeting the challenge.

Message from Spirit

Talk to others with different belief systems to your own, and if you can’t do that then read about them. Expand your horizons and you will benefit more than you think.

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8 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

Image Attribution: “8 of Pentacles” via Wikipedia.