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General Introduction

7 of Pentacles

The 7 of Pentacles is generally a positive card. All in all you are likely to feel that life is going pretty well when it appears, and you would be right.

Investments come in many shapes and forms and are not always of a financial nature. You could invest your time and energy into projects or people just as easily as stocks and shares. It all depends on the dividend you are looking for. Money, even though it is disproportionately important nowadays, is not everything. Money only gets you a better class of misery. It does not bring happiness.

Even though the seven is a good omen for finances it is also telling you that you need to choose wisely as to where and how you invest. You can reap the benefit of your investments if you do so.

Friends and Family

This is likely to be a good period for any relationship that you have whether friends or family. All relationships need maintenance to keep them healthy and vibrant and those with family are no exception.

Relationships with family members can be some of the hardest to deal with but the seven is telling you that right now the efforts you made in the past are going to mean a pleasant and happy interlude in the present.

If things have not been going so well though, its appearance has a somewhat different meaning. Don’t give up on them and don’t give them grounds to give up on you. It is never too late to mend fences and put things right.

Sometimes in life all we have is family. How many people do you know who truly care whether you live or die?

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Love and Relationships

If you are in a new relationship and he or she is the person you have set your heart on then the 7 of Pentacles means that there is a good chance of success.

Similarly success is indicated for those of you in a more committed relationship. There is more to a successful relationship than just love of course, but the appearance of the seven indicates you are on the right track with the choice you have made.

The meaning of the 7 of Pentacles is more ambivalent for those of you seeking love depending on whether you have someone in mind or not.

If you do have someone in mind then it might be better to move on and look for someone new. Whoever it is you are looking at and however attractive a relationship with them might seem you must remember that they are not your only chance of happiness. It might be hard to give up on the idea of them but you will be better off if you choose to do so.

If you don’t have someone in mind then the message is a little more positive. There is love out there but you need to keep an open mind and be receptive to all possibilities.

Spiritual Growth

You need to be focused on the reality that life is cyclical, and that what goes around always, without fail, comes around. Remember that when you make a point to be generous – whether with time, energy, or money – that too is an investment in your own future. Share what you have. Accept gratefully what you are given.

Life is cyclical even if you don’t believe in karma. The 7 of Pentacles is all about investment and a return in that investment.

Understanding the relationship between investment and return is critical to your growth at this time. Giving benefits you just as much as it benefits those you are giving to. Be grateful that you have the chance to give and be grateful for anything you are given.

Work and Career

Work is very likely to be going very well indeed for you right now. This did not come about because of pure luck but because of the work you did in the past.

All that is good in the present and all that is good in the near future will be so because of that hard work that went before. You may be benefiting financially from all this as well. Perhaps a small pay rise or bonus.

For those of you looking for work the seven is still a good card and it means you are likely to be successful. Again, this is not going to be because of dumb luck.

All those applications you have written, telephone calls you have made, people you have spoken to etc. are going to pay off, so keep the faith and hang in there.

Message from Spirit

When you are generous to others in any way always remember that you are investing as much in your own future as you are in theirs. Generosity to others is the way it should be; don’t feel superior because you are the one doing the giving.

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7 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

Image Attribution: “7 of Pentacles” via Wikipedia.