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General Interpretation

8 of Cups

The 8 of Cups is a card that is all about choosing to leave something, or perhaps someone, behind. It could be almost anything: a relationship, a job, a house, an area, a friendship etc.

Whatever it is though, it has outgrown its usefulness. Your intuition will have been poking you for some time and so the necessity to make the choice to move on won’t come out of the blue and it is likely to be something that you have given a lot of thought to for some time.

Change can be hard and there is often sadness associated with leaving something behind especially if it is a relationship. Hang on to the fact that in the long run this will be in your best interest.

Friends and Family

Most times where family is concerned the 8 of Cups is telling you that there may well be a need for you to draw boundaries as the way things currently stand are not as healthy as they should be. That is not always easy to do but it will be for the best in the long run.

That may also be the case where friends are concerned and that too may cause difficulty in the short term. Sometimes it may mean that a friendship will be ending. Not necessarily because of something that has happened but simply that you have outgrown it.

Occasionally the 8 of Cups can mean that a family member, or a friend, may be moving out of your current circle of friends and family. This may be an extended holiday, relocating to the other side of the country or overseas, almost anything. Even going to jail! It is unlikely to be forever but it will be a noticeable parting of the ways.

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Love and Relationships

The appearance of the 8 of Cups if you are in a relationship will almost certainly signal that it is coming to an end. Your intuition is likely to have been telling you that for sometime but of course thinking about it and actually doing it are two very different things.

It is sometimes tempting to wait for the right moment to end it and that is human nature, but the trouble is there will never be one. You could wait forever but it will never arrive. It will be better for all concerned to get it over and done with. Despite the pain a breakup brings it will be in your best interest to move on.

If you are looking for love its appearance has a very simple message. You are either looking in the wrong place or looking at the wrong people. Whichever is the case you need to make some changes.

Spiritual Growth

It is likely that you need to make some changes in order to make progress. It’s not that you have been doing things in the wrong way, but simply that the way you have been doing them is no longer working as well as it once did.

If you can you should try and have some alone time. Preferably somewhere away from it all but if that’s not possible then just do the best you can. Your intuition is there to help so use it to try and figure out elements in your life that you have outgrown. Keep what still works and leave what doesn’t behind.

Work and Career

Work is likely to find you feeling bored. Perhaps that stems from a feeling of no longer being challenged, or perhaps it was never truly challenging in the first place. There may also be an element of not feeling appreciated for the work that you do.

Whichever is the case you have choices. You could choose to stay and endeavor to improve your current situation and you would be successful to a degree. You will need to make it happen though because it won’t of its own accord. Or you could choose to move on to pastures new. The choice is your and either will benefit you. Just letting things carry on the way they are though is really not an option.

If you are looking for work then the appearance of the 8 of Cups signals a need to do or try something new. It may be that there are other jobs you could do rather than the ones you have concentrated on applying for so think outside the box.

If you don’t feel that that is the case then it might mean you’re looking in the wrong place or places. If you have only looked online then try looking in the paper, or putting out the word to friends and family, or even simply applying to a company that isn’t even advertizing. Try a new approach if your current way of doing things isn’t working.

Message from Spirit

It is time to move on and even though this may sadden you it will be in your best interest to do so.

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8 of Cups Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

Image Attribution: “8 of Cups” via Wikipedia.