General Interpretation

The World

The World tarot card meanings are in some ways simple, and in other ways complex. In general the World can be very weighty, full of import and often a sign of being overwhelmed. It is one of those cards whose interpretation is incredibly contextual.

Where it falls and the cards around it color the interpretation markedly. For example, if it falls next to a very strong love card it can mean that love and romance is going to be overwhelming, but in a good way. But, if it falls next to a bad card then things are going to be worse than you thought. Think of the World as a multiplier.

If you’re considering a yes/no/maybe type of question and pull the World, in general it is a positive omen. It doesn’t mean that everything will be smooth sailing from there on out, but it does lean toward things working out all right broadly speaking.

The World Upright Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

Your friends and family may be requiring a lot of time, energy, and attention when you see the World come up. Whether this is for good reasons or not is open to interpretation. Their intentions will certainly be good though it may not feel like it to you. Remember that no-one can draw your boundaries but you, and no one really can tell when something is too much for you unless you take it upon yourself to say so.

This can also be a time of endings, when someone is finished with something e.g. graduating from High School, or finishing college and heading for a first professional job. This can often mean a parting of the ways from both friends and family. Don’t let yourself dwell on the times that are gone forever, but instead put your emphasis on the future, and take it from there.

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Love and Relationships

The love meaning for the World is generally good. A promising tarot card regarding love and relationships, especially for those who are unattached but looking. For the single man or woman looking for love it is telling you to get out and meet people, do something new, and maybe to go somewhere new. Not necessarily getting out of your comfort zone, but simply trying something different.

The advice to try something new applies equally and perhaps even especially to those of you who have been in a committed relationship for a long time. There are always ways and means to present something new to a mate. So if you want to take up skydiving for example be careful how you present your new idea so as not to completely scare them off. This is something you need to be doing together rather than you doing it on your own.

Spiritual Growth

In terms of spiritual growth, this is a general sign that you have reached a plateau. That doesn’t mean of course that you don’t have anything else to learn, but it does mean that the same-old-same-old is just not going to be as important to you as it once was.

Cast your net wider. Is there a spiritualist church nearby? Do you need to read some Eckhart Tolle? Or if you are already a Tolle devotee, perhaps you need to speak to someone outside your normal spiritual circle. There’s plenty of time to think about it; you don’t have to rush headlong into expanding your spiritual horizons. But they do need to expand.

Work and Career

In terms of work, you need to be careful about offering to take on more than you can sensibly do, or more than you can do well. You may want to get ahead and impress the powers that be, especially if you are new there, but think before you speak. There’s nothing wrong with trying to impress your boss(es) but you don’t want it to backfire on you.

If you are already overburdened and are in the position to do so, you should delegate some of what is on your plate. It is better to delegate than to put out work that is of an inferior quality. If you haven’t had a raise in years, the time has come to ask for one.

If you are looking for work when you get the World, you could be in luck. An opportunity that is right for you could come along before you know it, but you will have to do your part for it to happen. Keep putting out feelers, making applications, making phone calls and sending emails.

If an interview offer comes but it’s for a job description which is below the level you think that you should be hired into; go to the interview anyway. Ask for what you need once you get there and convince them that you are brilliant.

Message from Spirit

Life and spirit is a spiral, not a mountain to be climbed to the top. You get to the highest point on one wind of the spiral, and there is always another spiral above you. Beware of anyone who tells you that they have reached the end, that they are enlightened, have nothing else to learn and now all they have to do is teach. Those that believe that about themselves are mistaken there is always something new to learn. Always.  Avoid them spiritually.

The World Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 21 World” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.