General Interpretation

The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune suggests that although changes are not permanent, change itself IS. So this card is very much the flip side of where you are now.

This is an excellent card to see if things have been very difficult and strained for you over the past few weeks and months as it implies that things are going to be changing for the better.

If, on the other hand, you’ve been feeling that the world is yours and everything is peachy just don’t get too cocky and complacent. Change is on the way!

This does not however, mean catastrophe; even if the last few months were the best of your whole life. It’s more a case of being a little too big for your boots and the Universe is taking steps to rectify that.

Isn’t it easier to choose to learn this lesson on your own? Talk to someone you trust about whether or not you seem to have a realistic understanding of your situation and whether aspects of it need work. Listen to the feedback you are given and make changes of your own free will.

The Wheel of Fortune Upright Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

There’s likely to be a lot going on when the Wheel of Fortune appears and things are going to be changing with at least one and perhaps several of your family members/closest friends. This kind of energy usually shows when someone is going to move away or going away to college. Sometimes though, the changes that you are experiencing have to do with Karma. Take things one step at a time and try not to let yourself get overwhelmed.

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Love and Relationships

When the Wheel of Fortune appears, everything tends to be in a state of flux. Don’t expect the same behavior and the same attitudes because there is likely to be a rebellion because one of you is feeling somewhat fed up. This does not need to be a major conflict, but it does mean that you would be wise to take it seriously. You will get through this and it simply means that you are probably about to begin a new chapter in your relationship.

It is possible that rather than a change in the dynamic your relationship is simply in the process of becoming more important to both of you, and that it is why you have stayed where you have stayed, relationship – wise. In any event, trying to hold on to the past tightly is a recipe for pain and even potentially disaster so don’t fight changes when they come up. Flow with them.

Spiritual Growth

The Wheel of Fortune in this context most definitely points to the process of “letting go.” This encompasses letting go of old ideas and attitudes as well as who you tend to think you are/were. You seem to have a tendency to see yourself as being basically a blank slate; a place where other people can come along and deeply affect the quality of your life. The fact of the matter is that you do have choices as to what you want to do and when and how.

When you stop worrying about how you ought to feel, what you ought to do, etc., and instead get in touch with how you actually feel and the lessons that you are facing: that is where the magic happens. You begin to see patterns that weren’t there before and instead you find that you are in the proverbial flow. Work goes well, friendships and potentially serious love connections could well be beginning to come together as of now.

Work and Career

Again, the Wheel of Fortune has to do with the cyclical nature of life. Think back over the last few months and contemplate what you need to do to be able to stay on your upward path in terms of your work and where you go from here. If possible, do so by giving yourself a break from work – even if it’s just a weekend away. Even if you don’t feel that you are interested in moving up the ladder at all in terms of your work, further contemplation might reveal a similar job that you could go for which may well have you working fewer hours for the same if not more money! All in all this is a positive omen for your career.

Message from Spirit

The tarot meaning for the Wheel of Fortune is simple. Everything changes. Fighting that is futile and is a poor use of your precious energy so relax and go with the flow. You will find that you not only survive but thrive.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 10 Wheel of Fortune” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images).. Via Wikipedia.