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General Interpretation
The Sun speaks of letting go and of being aware that you are not in charge of the universe. You do not have to try to make the sun shine, or the wind blow, or your heart beat; you just have to be. Once you absorb and accept that fact it’s very freeing energy.
You can take the power of the universe (which is what the Sun represents in Tarot) and turn it into something new; a symphony, a newly painted house, a happy family, a perfect website. You are free to decide what you will make, or who you will try to be.
Embrace its freedom, and don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by it. Don’t be in a headlong rush to try and get everything done in one day. Take one step at a time.
The Sun Upright Meanings Step-by-Step
Friends, Friendships, and Family
Sometimes without meaning to your friends and family can interfere egregiously with your freedom to do what you think and feel that you need to do. It’s not, of course, that your friends and family don’t want you to be happy – they do. It’s just that a lot of people feel threatened when someone they care about makes a change to themselves or to their daily routine. They often try to make their friend or family member change back to their old ways.
Spend some time with the people that you care about when you draw this card. Let them know how important they are to you. Don’t just think that the people you are closest to already “know” how much you care, open your mouth and tell them. Whether the message is “I love you” or I am so glad you’re my friend” doesn’t matter. Tell them!
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Love and Relationships
The Sun is a great omen for love both for existing relationships, and for those who are looking for a new lover.
In a committed relationship it shows that both you and your partner are ready, willing, and able to deal with there being some space between you. In other words that you don’t have to go absolutely everywhere with your significant other. Make a point to spend some time apart if that is possible. You’ll find that it makes your reunion very enjoyable.
When you are looking for love and the Sun comes up you really are going to do a lot better if you get outside your comfort zone. If you do make the effort you are likely to be rewarded in your search for love. There’s a lot more to it than just meeting someone of course, but it’s a very good start!
If you can, go to a public event somewhere that you don’t know very many people and just observe them and their body language. It will help you see why body language is so important. What does yours say about you? Perhaps a few subtle changes will make all the difference when you meet someone.
Spiritual Growth
Don’t let the immense freedom that we are given become a burden or let yourself get mired in confusion. In the near future the Sun indicates that you are likely to find it easier to focus on the half-full glasses rather than the half-empty; in the positive aspects of life rather than on what is missing or what is wrong in the world.
You’ll grow from deliberately examining the good things that are there for us all to see and experience. You may find the inspiration in the writings of people who have been imprisoned very helpful: for example, Nelson Mandela, Corrie Ten Boom
, or Viktor Frankl
’s books.
Work and Career
You may have heard the phrase “giving someone enough rope to hang themself.” That is the approach, essentially, that is happening in your work now. Don’t be the one they give the rope to. This is not a time to slack off or to think that you’ve got it made in the shade and nothing to worry about since you have everything all squared up workwise. Be mature and realize that is not the case.
If you’re in need of work or a new challenge and are looking then make a point to emphasize times and ways in which you have made excellent use of freedom. Whether it’s a computer application you developed on the side or volunteer work you are passionate about, talking about this is likely to set you apart in a good way. The Sun is generally a good omen if you have already been interviewed and are wondering about your chances.
Message from Spirit
If you think that you have no freedom, think again. If you are alive, there is always something that you are in control of, even if it’s only your attitude. Freedom is not an encumbrance; it is a gift. Use it well.
The Sun Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time
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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 19 Sun” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley (http://home.comcast.net/~vilex/) for the public domain, and retrieved from http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.