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General Introduction

Queen of Swords

When the Queen of Swords appears as a person in your life you need to be very, very, careful. Her guidance is worth listening to as with the other Queens, but make sure you listen well and pay attention. She does not suffer fools gladly and whatever you do, make sure you don’t cross her. She is not to be trifled with.

When she does not refer to a literal person she can indicate a need for you to be forceful in order to get your way. Note that being forceful does not equate with threatening because that won’t work. But as long as you are honest when you put your foot down then you are likely to get what you want in a current situation.

The Queen of Swords is also a card of intuition and her appearance is often a reminder that your instincts are serving you well. You are being told that now you know what it is you want you should go after it.

You do, however, need to mindful of other people’s boundaries when doing so. Some people will find the Queen’s energy very abrasive and that can be detrimental to your goal.

Friends and Family

It is often much harder to deal with family than it is with complete strangers. You can tell a complete stranger to get lost if they upset you in any way, or if they intrude into your life in an unwelcome manner.

That is not so easy to do if the person in question is a member of your own family. People represented by the Queen will, for the most part, have a good heart. Unfortunately that is not going to stop them trying to run your life for you. Many times if you called them on it they would be indignant and say “I’m only trying to be helpful.” For some that may be true, for others it will simply be a face saving exercise because they know they are meddling.

Either way you need to draw boundaries or else you will be making a rod for your back that will last a lifetime.

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Love and Relationships

The Queen of Swords often represents someone we know, and in love readings it may well be your mother! If not your mother then perhaps your mother-in-law. That’s not a given, but more times than not one or the other is the case.

If you are in a relationship then she is likely to be trying to interfere. This may not be intentional as, after all, many people think they are being “helpful” when the truth is they are being anything but. Other times the interference will be quite deliberate.

If you are looking for love then the interference may not be quite the same, but it will still be there. This may manifest itself once you’ve got a date, or if you haven’t reached that stage simply telling you what you should or shouldn’t be doing.

Either way, in a relationship or not, you will need to figure out where your boundaries lie, let her know what they are and enforce them.

Spiritual Growth

Think about what you are feeling and why. When you’ve done that then stop thinking and simply feel. This is a good time for you to get in touch with your emotions on as deep a level as you can manage.

Spiritual growth is waiting for you to open the door. But first you have to unlock that door and your deepest emotions are the key.

If you still feel that you need help in figuring it all out then watch out for messages in your dreams and if you don’t already do so then start a dream diary.

Work and Career

Most people at some time in their working life have probably thought “there has to be a better way than this!” And there probably is. And this is where you might find yourself right now. However, it doesn’t matter how right you may be that things need to change in some way, now is simply not the time to promote your ideas.

The Queen can also appear when you are feeling slighted in some way, perhaps you even feel disrespected. She is a warning to you that you should not overreact.

Those of you looking for work may well get some help and guidance from a woman in your life. Think about the strong women you know and see if you can figure out which one the Queen may represent.

Message from Spirit

Messages from spirit are all around you each and every day. Look for them and you will find them.

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Image Attribution: “Queen of Swords” via Wikipedia.