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General Introduction

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is definitely one of the better Swords cards generally speaking. Its arrival can often mean that good news is coming your way. It’s most likely that it won’t be a lottery win or anything similar, but it is likely to be something that you will be pleased to hear. So if you were waiting for good news you are likely to get it.

Sometimes the Knight is not so much about desirable news coming your way, but a desirable person. Although he can and sometimes does represent a potential love interest he can be something else. After all, there must be other people apart from a lover that you would be pleased to see.

The Knight also heralds a period of what may seem like boundless energy on all levels to you. All this energy can result in a lot of activity: travel, socializing, tackling new projects, completing old ones. Anything like that. It’s a “go get” and “can do” period for you.

Friends and Family

The Knight of Swords is indeed a very energetic card and when it appears in relation to friends and family it is likely to indicate that there are going to be more calls upon your time than you can realistically handle.

Whether it is family get-togethers, family trips, family celebrations, dinner out with a friend, or simply anyone and everyone wanting you to do something with them etc.

You cannot possibly do everything that everyone wants you to do because that would leave no time for you to get anything done that you need to do. You will need to pick and choose carefully which calls get your attention and which don’t.

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Love and Relationships

Those of you in a relationship will be happy to see the Knight of Swords appear as it usually means your relationship is about to take a turn for the better. Even if you think you already have it pretty good it is going to become deeper and more satisfying.

Those looking for love will probably be even happier to see the Knight appear. You are likely to find yourself being swept off your feet in the not too distant future and it’ll happen whether you’re male or female. It is also likely to happen when you least expect it.

There is a caveat though. In order to be swept off your feet you have to meet someone prepared to do the sweeping. Get out there and mingle otherwise it’s not going to happen.

Spiritual Growth

You are not likely to make much progress of a spiritual nature if you are constantly running around in circles like a headless chicken!

Yes, the Universe understands that you may have a great deal going on and yes, it understands that there probably aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that you want to do.

But… you need to take a timeout and find a little peace and quiet for your soul’s sake.

Work and Career

The Knight of Swords is a very energetic card and when it appears in relation to work you can be sure that you are on a roll. You are getting a lot accomplished and even though things are likely to get much busier you will still manage to continue that achievement.

Others around you and perhaps particularly a boss will think that you are making them look bad. There is an element of truth to that but make sure you don’t be obnoxious about it.

The Knight of Swords is an extremely good card to get if you are still looking for work. There is a very real possibility that a job that fits the bill exactly for you is about to come your way.

Message from Spirit

Peace, be still.

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Image Attribution: “Knight of Swords” via Wikipedia.