Tarot Timing

Tarot Timing and Timescales for Tarot Spreads

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Tarot timing was touched on briefly in my “Clarity of Purpose” article, but I thought it might be a good idea to expand on that particular aspect a little in a separate article.

Some Spreads Have Timing Built In

A few tarot spreads (such as the “12 Month” and “Letting Go“) have built-in timing and so it is not an issue. Some address the timing interrogatively (such as the “Will I Find True Love?“) and “when” is asked as part of the spread.

Most Spreads Do Not So Learn to Set Your Timing as Part of the Question

The majority of spreads though, do not have a time factor built in so it is incumbent upon you to address it when you deal the cards. Most experienced tarot readers will eventually get into the habit of setting a time limit almost automatically. It’s how long that can be troublesome for new readers.

How long a time you set is up to you, but it is always worth remembering that the further ahead you try and look the more room there is for your reading to become derailed. All that nasty free will that’s floating around out there can play havoc with a long-term prediction. The more time it has to interfere the more likely it is to do so!

To an extent the time limit you set for your spread may well be dependent on the question being asked but if it isn’t then set one that seems realistic to you and/or your client if you’re reading for someone else.

Most times when I read for someone the timescale for their question is fairly current so I will “ask” the cards to look at the question in the context of the next six months. Sometimes, it might be a longer-term question and so the next year is more appropriate. Occasionally the reading will need to be measured in terms of years rather than months, but that is something of a rarity.

Those timings are the ones that work best for me and they may not be the best for you. If you are new to tarot you might be better off initially in limiting your timescales to a maximum of six or perhaps twelve months until you are more experienced.

Experiment With Tarot Timing

Once you feel more confident about your reading ability then you can start experimenting with looking further ahead and see how it goes.

If you find that you are very accurate up to six months but after that inaccuracy starts to creep in more than you are happy with then stick to the six months time limit. Perhaps twelve months if the inaccuracies are minor.

If a client does need you to look further ahead than you are comfortable with it can be a problem. You must then warn them of the dangers of looking “too far ahead.”

You can still do the reading, or you can refuse. Even if you are reading professionally you have that choice. However, if it’s your sole means of income, it is somewhat more problematic from the financial point of view.

A lot will depend on your client and how well you know them. Regular clients who know you well will usually trust your judgment. After all, YOU are the reader! Most new, or less regular clients, will probably be amenable once you explain it to them. Not all though – it never ceases to amaze me what some people expect of a reader!

Do What Works for You

There is no hard and fast rule about how long a period you should set for a spread. Most readers need to experiment somewhat until they find something they are comfortable with. Nor do you have to set the same time limit each time. There are many factors to consider, but as long as you do consider them and be flexible where necessary then whatever time limit you set should work.

Tarot Time Article by Paul

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