Will I Find True Love?

Tarot-Time.com - Will I Find True Love?This is a seven card tarot spread dedicated to answering the question “Will I find true love?” It is one of the most asked questions there is and certainly asked of professional readers time and again.

True love is what most of us seek and this tarot spread is very specific in its questions in order to elicit useful information concerning the next possibility for true love to cross your path.

There is nearly always more than just one true love for each of us of course, and the first is not necessarily better than any subsequent contender – just different.

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Cards: 7

  1. Will you ever find true love?
  2. Will the attraction be instant or a slow-burning realization?
  3. What will this person be like physically?
  4. What will this person be like emotionally?
  5. Are there issues you need to deal with that are delaying a meeting/relationship with this person?
  6. Are there issues this person needs to deal with that are preventing a meeting/relationship?
  7. When/where/how will you meet this person?



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Most intermediate level readers shouldn’t have too much difficulty in using this tarot spread. Having said that, it is not beyond the capabilities of a novice who is ready to experiment with something a little more difficult.

As its name suggests, this tarot spread primarily looks at the next potential love to appear and it is nearly always someone that is unknown. However, when interpreting card #7 if you intuition starts pricking you then it is possible that the new love is someone that is already known, albeit probably not very well.

A word of caution to new readers trying to read for themselves: Don’t “force” card #7 to fit someone you already know just because they are of interest to you.