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Annikin Work

Annikin Work Tarot SpreadThe Annikin Work tarot spread is a straightforward 3 card reading that looks at the career or job that you have chosen. It looks at the choice you made to be in the job or career you are in and whether you made the right choice.

Feeling that you’re in the wrong job is quite common. Most times that’s down to the work environment and the people you work with or for. This can be particularly true if it’s a company that likes to micromanage. Sometimes however, that feeling is simply because you’re in the wrong job.

At first sight there is not a lot of depth to this spread but if all you are looking for is a quick answer then it is ideal for the purpose. Don’t be put off by the fact that it only has 3 cards!


Cards: 3

  1. Have you chosen the right job or career?
  2. Is it a secure job or career?
  3. Should you make changes, adjust, stay or go?



Ann Murkett ©



Being just 3 cards this is not a particularly complex reading. It is particularly suitable for beginners and novices although as always appropriate thought should be given to each card. Despite its lack of complexity it should not be ignored by advanced readers. It gives quick insight into the situation and if that is all that’s needed it is ideal.