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General Interpretation

Knight of Wands

Knights, like Pages, are very often message bearers and so it is with the Knight of Wands. Although the message could relate to any endeavor you have undertaken it is most likely to be work or career oriented.

Wands are generally positive and the message here is just that. Projects and undertakings that you have been involved in are likely to be successful and perhaps more so than you anticipated.

The Knight can also indicate a period of being amped up and ready for anything work-wise. Your self-confidence will also be really good and between that and being full of energy you should be able to reach your goals.

Sometimes this card will appear in relation to a travel related reading, and if so it indicates that this is a great time for travel if you can spare the time away.

Friends and Family

This is another of those times that family or friends or both are quite simply being a pain in the neck. It’s not that they mean to because its simply a cause and effect thing. It is a really busy time for everyone and there are likely to be multiple calls upon your time.

Sometimes this may be because they really need your help. Sometimes it may be that they just want your help. And sometimes they just want your company so they can tell you all about it.

There aren’t going to be enough hours in the day and you do have a life of your own to lead. If they start to overstep your boundaries then be as gentle as you can but reaffirm where they lie if necessary.

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Love and Relationships

If you are in a relationship then the Knight of Wands is an indication that you need to work on communication. It’s not a bad card to get by any means, but it is telling you that you need to make time to talk with your partner. That doesn’t mean talk of any great import but simply talking to enjoy the moment together.

If any of the talk is of greater import than mere chat then make sure you say what you mean and don’t send a mixed message. Clarity of communication is what is required.

Whichever is the case you will find your relationship has improved.

If you’re looking for love and you have a job then take a good look around you. There is a chance that the person you’re looking for has been under your nose all the time.

And if that is not the case then you are likely to meet someone through your job in some way. So keep an open mind to possibilities.

If you don’t have a job but are simply looking then the Knight indicates someone crossing your path in the context of their job rather than yours. So if you get a ticket don’t be rude! Who knows where it might lead.

Spiritual Growth

You will shortly have the opportunity to examine a new way of looking at things spiritually. Even though it is likely to be an instant attraction for you, you should still take a little time to examine it closely and see if the reality matches up to what you think.

The Knight of Wands doesn’t mean that it isn’t what it seems, but simply that you need to ensure it’s as good a match for you as you think. If it is then all well and good, but if the reality is that it’s not quite as shiny as you first though you haven’t invested too much time in it.

Work and Career

The Knight of Wands can mean a couple of things if you are currently employed and both for the most part are good.

If you are up for promotion and are waiting for the results of an interview then the news is likely to be favorable. It may be that it is not actually a promotion involved but more a sideways move to a different position that is of interest to you. It may or may not involve more money but again the news is likely to be positive.

The other possibility is that you may be asked to travel in connection with your job and you may find that you will have the opportunity for foreign travel. Make the most of it.

If you are out of work but are waiting to hear the results of an interview then the news is likely to be good for you too. If you haven’t yet got this far in your search but are simply still looking then don’t give up. You will ultimately be successful.

Message from Spirit

Devote time if you can, devote energy if you can, and devote money if you can, and if possible do all three. Choose any spiritual cause that calls strongly to you.

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Image Attribution: “Knight of Wands” via Wikipedia.