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General Interpretation

Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is about new beginnings and most times the new beginnings in question will be very positive ones. It is also a card of success so when it appears if you have been thinking of starting something but haven’t yet taken the plunge then now is a good time to do so.

Although it is very often connected to your work, career, and business that is not always the case. The work in question could take any number of forms and is not necessarily work of the paid variety.

The Ace of Wands is a very positive card with a distinctly upbeat energy. If things have not been going too well then its appearance is a clear sign that everything is likely to be taking a turn for the better in the very near future.

And if things are already going pretty well then it could indicate that you may be more successful in one or more of your endeavors than you ever thought possible.

Friends and Family

There is really not very much to say when the Ace of Wands appears in connection with friends and family. Whatever context it appears in, it is likely to be one of two things and whichever is applicable it has a positive vibe to it.

Generally speaking it is a good solid comment that all is well within the family and that you can expect a period of well being. There is also likely to be a lot of family affirmation going on insomuch that there might be a lot of time spent together in various activities.

Aces are all about new beginnings and that may well be the purpose of the Ace of Wands appearing at this time. The new beginnings might include an engagement, a marriage, a pregnancy, a birth, or almost anything of a similar welcome nature.

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Love and Relationships

Are you currently in a relationship? The Ace of Wands is a great card to get! Or are you still looking for love? If so, the Ace of Wands is still a great card to get! It’s one of those cards that you can’t really go wrong with.

If you are in a committed relationship already then the dawn of a new era of understanding is about to arrive. You and your partner should take this opportunity to express your wishes, hopes, and desires to each other because doing so will deepen the understanding you have of each other.

Someone new with really positive possibilities is soon going to be heading your way if you are still unattached. You will still need to do your part to make it happen of course, so don’t hide indoors waiting for a literal knock on the door! Get out there and make sure you are as ready as you can be for the figurative knock on the door.

Spiritual Growth

Now would be a very good time for you to consider who your spiritual role models are. Oh… you don’t have any? Then now would be a very good time to find one. Or two. Or however many you need to help you grow.

Sometimes you can only make progress with the help of others and the Ace indicates that this is one of those times. It points to your need for a new spiritual imperative and the need for guidance to make it happen.

Sometimes that guidance is from a role model in person and sometimes it isn’t. You don’t need to find a role model in the flesh if you don’t want to. One on one can be very beneficial, but finding someone who can inspire you is more important.

They can be on the other side of the world or have passed long ago; it doesn’t matter because they can still do what you need them to do for you.

Work and Career

The Ace of Wands is a really good card to get whether you already have a job or not. It indicates something new and positive in either case.

If you are already employed the it would be a good time to ask for whatever it is you need. A bigger office perhaps? More staff? A pay increase? Flexible hours? The possibilities are almost endless. It doesn’t mean that you’ll get everything you ask for but it does indicate that you’ll be successful to a degree at least. Always remember that if you don’t ask you don’t get.

The Ace is also good for those of you looking for work. It will almost cetainly mean that a job possibility is coming your way. Not only that, but it will be better than you might have thought possible. So hang in there, a change is on the way!

Message from Spirit

Mind and body are more closely connected than you might think.

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Image Attribution: “Ace of Wands” via Wikipedia.