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General Interpretation

5 of Wands

The 5 of Wands is a card that is all about belief and competition. The belief in question is belief in yourself and the competition in question could be almost anything although you may find that it crops up mostly in the arena of work and business.

Cutthroat world, dog-eat-dog world, any metaphor along those lines can be used to describe the modern world in which we live. It is indeed cold out there and this is the arena in which you have to compete.

Don’t sell yourself short and be confident in your abilities. Don’t mistake confidence for arrogance though, or you will end up being one of the losers. Once you understand the distinction then jump into the arena and fight for what you want.

It may not be the safest of places but you cannot win if you don’t take part.

Friends and Family

When the five appears for friends and family it can often indicate that someone you know is currently feeling the pressure of competition. Now this could be of a personal nature insomuch that someone else is chasing the same potential love that they are, but it is a little more likely that it is in relation to work.

Competition can be very difficult for some people to deal with because they always feel that no matter how hard they try their best is simply not good enough. That is not necessarily the reality of course, but it can lead to a temptation to take short cuts, cut corners, or even to bend the rules more than is advisable.

You may not be able to dissuade them from such behavior but if you get the opportunity to do so, you should at least try. It is not to their benefit to step outside the rules.

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Love and Relationships

In an ideal world, once you have made a commitment to another human being that would be the end of it. You would get married and live happily ever after. Life, of course, is just not that simple!

Every relationship has its ups and downs and to a degree that is the way it should be. What you always need to be careful of is that the downs do not significantly outweigh the ups. If they do then dissatisfaction and resentment may creep in. And that will leave your relationship vulnerable.

It doesn’t matter whether you think anybody else would ever want your partner or not, because the truth is the five is telling you that there is somebody out there who will. And probably more than just the one somebody.

Do you really want to have to compete for the love of your partner all over again? If the answer is “no” then the five is a really clear message to put things right before it is too late.

Looking for love right now may be a little more difficult than you think. It may be that you have your eye on somebody or even if you don’t, there is a chance that you will do so soon. Either way you need to understand and accept that you are not alone in your pursuit of love. You will have competition. You might not win this time but you should certainly give it your best. Because you might get lucky.

Spiritual Growth

Despite the fact that this might be an extremely busy time for you you must understand that spiritual growth is still important to you. You cannot achieve spiritual growth if you are too busy running around in circles to devote any time to your soul.

You need to take a step back from life’s helter-skelter and find a bit of peace so that your spirituality has the chance to make itself heard. Not everything in life needs to be done at breakneck speed

Work and Career

The working environment in most modern companies is competitive in nature. Sometimes this competition is a good thing and sometimes it isn’t, but it is what it is.

There will be people around you that you know and perhaps even like but you must understand that they are in competition with you just as you are in competition with them. Trying to get one more rung up the ladder of success will not be easy and others will be trying just as hard as you to do the same.

You are just as capable as they are so you shouldn’t hesitate to play the ladder climbing game but when you do make sure you play the game fairly. To do otherwise may gain you a short term advantage in the battle but you will lose the war.

If you are looking for a job it is perhaps not the best of cards to get because it indicates a lot of competition but at the same time it is not the worst of cards because it is telling you that you have the wherewithal to compete. The five does not guarantee that you will be successful but it doesn’t guarantee failure either. Put on your big girl panties and go for it.

Message from Spirit

Although competition is an unavoidable part of life, life is not all about competition.

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Image Attribution: “5 of Wands” via Wikipedia.