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General Interpretation

3 of Wands

Generally the 3 of Wands is a good card and very often it appears in connection with your work in some way. This is not necessarily paid work but whether it is or isn’t the card indicates that you and your work are appreciated and respected.

Although the suit of Wands is not the first suit to come to mind where money is concerned, the 2 of Wands can be about just that. It will often appear after you have been through a difficult patch financially and that things are now going much better than you had hoped for.

This positivity can also be about difficulties other than financial ones and if that is the case then it is an indication that things are likely to go much more successfully for you than they have been.

Friends and Family

Potentially the 3 of Wands is good news for somebody in your family or perhaps amongst your friends. It is quite possible that a new job or a new promotion will be involved in some way and whichever is the case it is likely to mean a significant increase in money.

Yes, it is good news and all friends and family should be pleased and happy for the person involved. And here is why the word “potentially” was used at the beginning of this section. There is a possibility that someone will not be quite as pleased and happy for the lucky individual as they should be. Jealousy has reared its ugly head and this could lead to problems.

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Love and Relationships

Although generally a positive card the 3 of Wands is potentially not such a good card to get if you are in a relationship. If your partnership is truly based on equality, and your partner truly treats you as an equal rather than just paying lip service to the concept, then your relationship is likely to be going well and the three is a good card.

If that is not the case however, and you are not being treated as an equal, then the three is not so good. It might be a good time to consider your options and move on if necessary. Let them know your thoughts and feelings though and see if anything changes. And if it doesn’t you can always still go.

Do make sure you let them know why though, because you will be doing them a favor if they learn something that stops them doing the same in the future. And if they don’t learn then history will almost certainly repeat itself, but that is their problem and not yours.

Spiritual Growth

You are growing spiritually all the time. Sometimes in leaps and bounds and sometimes simply creeping along. You may have strongly held spiritual beliefs and if you do then that’s alright but don’t be a slave to them.

In the physical world you change as you grow and so it is in the spiritual world. Your views, your thoughts, and even your beliefs should change as necessary as you mature spiritually.

It does not mean that you were wrong in the past but simply that your needs have changed.

Work and Career

Give yourself a pat on the back even if others aren’t doing the same, and if they aren’t they will be soon. You have done well and you have a lot to be proud of and others will see that too. It may not result in any sort of financial reward but that sense of achievement is still worth having.

Life is going to be somewhat more fruitful in the near future for those still needing a job. There is a possibility on the way and it is likely to be significantly better than you had hoped for. Remember that they would be just as lucky to get you as you would be to get the job. You are not going empty handed to the job table so don’t sell yourself short.

Message from Spirit

Change is a necessary part of life and it will come whether you desire it or not. Change is inevitable and is a fundamental to all life. Don’t fear it. Embrace it.

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Image Attribution: “3 of Wands” via Wikipedia.