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General Interpretation

Page of Cups

The Page of Cups like most of the cups card is basically an uplifting card. What it generally indicates is that there is a need to have a little fun in your life.

It doesn’t mean going dancing or going to the bar or any of the more adult pursuits in life, but rather that you need to take a step back in time and rediscover some of the childlike joys of life.

It is all too easy to get wrapped up in the importance of adult life and when this card appears it is a clear indication that you are starting to take it and perhaps yourself a little too seriously. In some ways it is as simplistic as going to the beach and making sand castles.

Occasionally and especially if you don’t think the foregoing is applicable then the page of cups can indicate that a message is coming your way and it will be brought by a younger person.

Friends and Family

Essentially this card revolves around the children in your life. This may be your own children or if you don’t have any other children within the family or it could even involve the children of a friend or friends.

Sometimes this focus on children (and remember children can include teenagers) is purely and simply a focus of well being and joy around you.

Sometimes the focus is there because one or more of them will be the harbinger of good news. This news may be something positive that they want to share with you and you will receive a feel-good factor through them. It is also possible that the news they bring will be directly of benefit to you.

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Love and Relationships

If looking for love is a focus of your life right now then the appearance of the Page of Cups is a positive sign. It may be that you will meet this person through someone who is younger than you and whereas this may be someone significantly younger such as a child or a teenager it would be best not to discount introductions by anyone if the person doing the introducing is younger than you.

The other possibility is that you will meet someone and they themselves will be younger than you. This may be a few years younger or it could be just a few days younger. Do not discount anyone that fits into this category just because you weren’t looking to meet someone significantly younger. Love is no respecter of age.

Its interpretation is somewhat different if you are already in a committed relationship. One interpretation is that again good news will come to you through somoene within the family fold who is younger.

This card however is one of those cards that can indicate that a baby is on the way. This does not automatically mean that it is your baby but it could be. If that is not possible then again it is going to be someone within your family that it refers to.

Spiritual Growth

Your spiritual progress may well have slowed down when the Page of Cups appears in relation to it. It may be that old practices or old ways of doing things are no longer appropriate for you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you must change religion if  you are of a religious nature but you should not dismiss that possibility out of hand.

Take some time to explore the possibilities and potential of other spiritual teachings and see if something calls to you. Even if it doesn’t and even if changing religion is not an option for you you need to give some thought as to what it is within your life that is causing this stagnation and then change it.

Work and Career

If you are in a job and things have not been going as well as you would like, or you are not experiencing the satisfaction that you once had with it then don’t despair. It is quite possible that you can make changes to rediscover some of the enthusiasm you once had for it and even if you can’t make changes then you should remember that you always have choices.

You could choose to stay where you are and carry on regardless accepting the burden of a joyless job. But if you do, then you have chosen to do that. You are only locked into a job with no hope of escape if you choose to make it so.

Even though today’s employment scene is not what it once was then unless you are stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing near you there will be other options for you to look at. Younger people are going to feature in your life if you are looking for a new job. This may be as simple as one of your children, or another child that you know mentioning something of use to you in your job seeking goal. This is unlikely to be a young child but could be teenagers or perhaps even older than that but whichever is the case they will be younger than you.

Message from Spirit

Age does not equate with wisdom and just because someone is younger (perhaps even significantly so) than you does not mean that what they have to say isn’t of vital importance.

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Page of Cups Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

Image Attribution: “Page of Cups” via Wikipedia.