The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings

The Lovers reversed in any tarot reading points to challenges in relationships. This will vary from a small conflict over who needs to dust the living room to a huge argument that shows deep-seated dissatisfaction in the relationship.

But mainly the Lovers reversed indicates that you need to understand that no matter what things seem like on the surface, there is more going on than meets the eye. This does not mean that you need to sit your partner down for a formal “talk about us,” but it does mean that you’d be silly to think that everything is perfect.

Pay real attention or you could be missing signs of real trouble in your relationship. Note that this could be all or most of your relationships and not just a lover or partner. Things will go better for you if you make a point to consider what other people’s feelings might be. Remember, it’s not all about you. Your feelings, your wants, and your needs are all important of course, but so those of others. Equally so. Failure to understand that is a road that can lead to disaster where a relationship is concerned.

The Lovers Reversed Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Friends, Friendships, & Family

The appearance of the Lovers reversed with regards to friends and family indicates that it is likely to be challenging for you to truly understand how your friends are feeling towards you and what they really expect and want from you.

You should not let yourself lose sight of the fact that you do have friends that like and care about you. Ask yourself however, if you are making sure that your friends and family really know just how much you care about them.

Honestly, you have probably made the assumption that “of course they know,” but the facts are that this needs to be both demonstrated by your actions towards your friends and family and said in so many words. Don’t make the mistake of taking their thoughts and feelings for granted.

Additionally, the Lovers reversed means that you need to consider whether you are giving or just taking. Balance is key if you want to keep your relationships, especially if you want those relationships to be healthy.

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Love and Relationships

The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Love

Imbalance is definitely part of the situation when the Lovers reversed is drawn, especially if you are doing a reading on love specifically. It does not mean that your relationship is doomed, but it does mean you need to tread carefully.

The Lovers reversed also points to a high likelihood that there is an imbalance in your relationship. Give that some thought and ask yourself whether your habits and behavior are as fair as you can make them. Then ask yourself if your partner is being fair to you. That fairness should be equal and if it isn’t then there are issues to be resolved. Make sure, however, that you assess your part in the relationship dispassionately. Don’t award yourself more brownie points than you deserve.

If you are not in a relationship and particularly if you have been looking for love for a long time without much success, the Lovers reversed means that you need to re-consider the way you present yourself to others. Give yourself a metaphorical makeover and don’t be afraid to emphasize your good points. Don’t exaggerate however, just be you but the best you that you can present.

If you don’t value yourself, who will? If you don’t see yourself as desirable, why would anyone else? Take the time to explore these issues and be sure that your attitude is helpful. You might be able to do this more quickly if you seek help from an unbiased friend. How do they think you are presenting yourself to prospective partners?

It’s not that the current you is deficient in any way just that you may well be underselling yourself. You will find love but, in the meantime, you must not allow yourself to slip into any kind of depression. It’s easy to do when you’re lonely and not having any success finding someone to love and to love you. If you think you’re already depressed, then don’t be afraid to seek help.

Spiritual Growth

The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Spiritual Growth

The tarot card meaning for the Lovers reversed in relation to spirituality is that you are not balanced, and you are not in a state of spiritual equilibrium.

Think of it this way: It is possible that you are giving your logical side too much attention or sway when what you need to do is to give attention to the emotional and “being” side, as opposed to the thinking and taking action side. Meditation and clearing your mind are also in order when the Lovers reversed card comes up.

Meditation is not easy for some people and if you are one of them then one tool that many are finding useful is the “ASMR” type videos and recordings. ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, and there are thousands of videos and recordings online, many of them available at no charge. They are worth exploring and you can find out more about what ASMR is here. The Lovers reversed does not restrict you just to meditation but encourages you to use the means best fitted to you for restoring balance.

If you have trouble getting the logical, literal side of your being out of the way, then trying out these videos and audio recordings may be helpful.

Work and Career

The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Work & Career

The Lovers reversed for work and career says that other people are seeing you as being out of balance. This sometimes alludes to real trouble at work and is a possibility that you need to be preparing for. If you’ve had formal or informal disciplinary stuff at work, this is a time to take that very, very seriously and to continue to ask for feedback.

These days it is not a good idea to assume that just because you have been in a position for some time that you are fireproof. Employment is no longer what it once was, and particularly if you are a worker in the USA, you have very few actual legal rights in most cases. Be humble and be willing to accept criticism and make changes to yourself. You could save your career if you do.

If you are looking for work, this is a time to examine your marketing materials i.e. your resume, website, LinkedIn, personal website, etc. Have a trusted friend or family member give your stuff the once over.

You should also examine the type of clothing that you tend to wear to interviews and applications. No matter how laid back and postmodern your tastes might be, you still need to show prospective employers that you know how to dress and behave normally and respectfully. You can bring out the gothic Lolita stuff after you’ve got the job.

Money and Finances

The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Money & Finance

You may be tempted to spend a ton of money when this card appears. This points to an imbalance of energy that you need to right in order to move forward well. Yes, you may indeed need to purchase some things to move your work and your business forward in the way that you wish to do so. But it would be a mistake to just go ahead and buy every single thing that you’d like to have.

Financing purchases can be your friend as well. This energy points to a need to make payments on what you want to buy. Whether it’s real estate or card stock that you need to buy; look into making payments. This is not about bragging rights. It’s about an intelligent use of cash flow.

Also, the ancient warning about not mixing business with pleasure. Want to impress a cute person in your neighborhood? You don’t have to, and shouldn’t, invest in their “cause” to do so. And don’t lend money that you can’t afford to lose to anyone.

A Message and Advice from Spirit

The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Message from Spirit

When Spirit is talking to you via the Lovers reversed card it is a simple yet powerful message. Even when you are at your worst you are a creature that has every right to be alive.

You may need to remake some of your behaviors and some of your views on the way that it is acceptable to treat yourself and others need to be revisited.

Many cultures, particularly the USA, tend to spout things like only the strong survive, or even worse, shoot first and ask questions later. This card says no, think carefully about how you are treating yourself and your life and the people in it.

If you aren’t sure how to be balanced, think about polar opposites in every sense. Life is a continuum, and we are all constantly changing, and we can all make a difference. Many people don’t like change, but it is a part of life that is constant. Think about the ocean and the tides which are always going in and out and moving in between. We are all like that, and it is okay to make a change whether you are 18 or 80.

If you think that everyone around you is happy with you and who you are, how you treat them, and so on, just double check. It never, ever hurts to ask. And ask yourself how you feel about how they are treating you! The Lovers reversed says, ask the question. Allow yourself to flow. True strength means being willing to change when change is necessary.

The Lovers Reversed Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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