Tarot Time Tarotscopes

Free Tarotscope May 2021

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Tarotscope May 2021 Quick-start

Tarot Time’s Tarotscope May 2021 forecast for each zodiac sign is now available and can be found below. Tarot Time’s co-owner and veteran tarot reader, Deborah, is the person mainly responsible for creating our free monthly tarotscopes.

What Is a Tarotscope?

You may be wondering what our Tarotscope May 2021 post is all about. Perhaps you’re asking yourself, “What exactly is a tarotscope?” The answer is actually remarkably simple. It is pretty much the same concept as a horoscope in so much that it gives a taste of what the featured month will be like. Unlike a horoscope though, it is based on tarot cards and not the stars. Just think of it as a tarot horoscope and you’ll be right on.

Zodiac or Sun Signs

  • Aries (March 21 -April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
  • Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 23)
  • Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
  • Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Aries Tarotscope May 2021

Aries Tarotscope May 2021

This is a month to be patient which is not something that comes easily to those born under the sign of Aries of course. But you are not going to get anywhere by being pushy or doing your bull in a china shop thing.

I’m given that a male in your life (this could be anyone from a neighbor to a boss) could be annoying or problematic. Don’t bother trying to get him to do whatever you wish he would do. Just let things ride.

Overall, other people are not going to be easy to figure out and although things may be starting to open up more in your part of the world, you may not be much in the mood to go out and be social. Don’t push yourself too hard to do that if it doesn’t feel right. You may be a bit tired, body, mind, and soul. If that’s the case for you, don’t pretend you feel better than you do. 

Taurus Tarotscope May 2021

Taurus Tarotscope May 2021

This is a pretty profound time period for you. Your view of yourself may have changed significantly recently and it is going to take you a while to get used to that difference. Ultimately, that change will be a change for the better so try not to overthink it and just let it take a natural course.

Some of you have a habit of often thinking that you are wrong about everything. Of course, you haven’t – that simply is not the case. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because one or more things goes wrong that everything will go wrong. It won’t.

Take it easy on yourself and, for that matter, everyone else. And if you need help of any kind do not be too proud to accept it. Nobody gets through life all on their own and it is simply not possible to do so.

Gemini Tarotscope May 2021

Gemini Tarotscope May 2021

You are likely to need to try consciously to keep your usual upbeat attitude. Things may be weighing on you and you may feel as though the best part of your life is over now. That is not true unless you make it true, of course, so don’t be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

If you can’t be “upbeat” for yourself, try to be upbeat for the people that you love. If you make yourself suffer unnecessarily it will have a knock-on effect and they will suffer too.

The caveat to that, however, is that if you are struggling deeply, don’t feel like you need to put on a show. There is always help available and you are not alone. There is a big difference between being a bit down because of life, the universe, and everything, that’s going on around you and being deeply depressed.

Cancer Tarotscope May 2021

Cancer Tarotscope May 2021

An older man is likely to be a big part of your focus this month. Whether he is your boss, or your cousin, or romantic partner doesn’t really matter. It is probably not a romantic partner but that is not totally out of the question.

More likely though, is that it’s a relative or friend that you haven’t been in touch with for a while. Whoever it is it is likely to be someone that you care about in some way.

Give that some thought and if you can figure out who it is then the fact that you care about what is going on with this guy means that you need to check in on them.

This is especially so if there is an elderly man that you care about. he is likely to be struggling so do make a point to reach out. It is always later than we think is a general truism in life but don’t jump to conclusions. Nothing horribly dire is showing up for this man but he is going through a difficult period and could do with a kindly word.

Leo Tarotscope May 2021

Leo Tarotscope May 2021

New beginnings are very likely this month, and it may be that you are be a bit wary of them. Change of any sort can be worrying but don’t let yourself worry too much. Talk it out, write it out, get moving physically and sweat it out.

This/these new beginning(s) could be quite life changing. Initially, you may see this a negative, but the truth is that that is just the fear of change talking. It will not turn out to be anywhere near as negative as you fear. Just the opposite as you will eventually realize that it was a change for the better. Give life changes time to settle out. You are going to be pleasantly surprised in the long run and nothing is going to be anywhere as bad as you fear.

The only slight words of warning for this month are don’t be profligate with your spending. Just be somewhat frugal with money and all should be well.

Virgo Tarotscope May 2021

Virgo Tarotscope May 2021

You may very well run into an old flame this month but don’t let yourself get carried away. An ex is nearly always an ex for a very good reason and so it is with this person. They have not changed into someone else.

This does not mean that you can’t have a wholly enjoyable fling with them, but if you’re imagining long term, committed love with an ex, you are likely to be extremely disappointed in the long run. It will not work any better this time around thatn it did last time so don’t set yourself up for more hurt. Take a breath and think it through.

Shakespeare wrote “Neither a borrower or a lender be,” and that’s also something to live by this month. It’s not that you aren’t going to have enough but being prudent and cautious financially as well as with your heart is the only way to navigate this month successfully. 

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Libra Tarotscope May 2021

Libra Tarotscope May 2021

You’re tired. Possibly very tired. And what happens when you are tired? You don’t see things as clearly as you should and that can lead to complications and difficulties. What this really means is that this is not the time to do a complete re-evaluation of your life.

It is true that as a Libra you are prone to evaluating or re-evaluating on an ongoing basis and there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is that doing so right now means you’re going to paint everything with an ugly black brush. Just rest, figure it out later over the next few months.

On the other hand, if someone is abusive to you in some way, you must protect yourself. If you are having trouble figuring out what is what within a relationship, don’t hesitate to talk to someone you trust about what is happening. There is always someone and they will be able to help you see things more clearly.

Scorpio Tarotscope May 2021

Scorpio Tarotscope May 2021

If you don’t pace yourself this month, you’re likely to find that you’re dragging your feet with what needs to be done instead of doing it obtaining a subsequent sense of accomplishment.

Don’t bother trying to figure it all out at once this month. What you want, what you need, and so on, is just not clear yet. Do what you must do but don’t try to rush anything else. It’s fine to just say “Hey, look, I don’t know, and if you’re insisting on tying me down right now about what’s what, then I’m out the door.”

To put it another way: you need to honor your own feelings and needs and where you are. You’re not ready to promise the moon and the stars to anyone else this month. So, don’t. It would be a mistake and it will almost certainly cause problems if you do.

Sagittarius Tarotscope May 2021

Sagittarius Tarotscope May 2021

Business is likely to be picking up but for some reason you’re going to be having trouble enjoying it. Life is all a bit “blah” right now and you are in a bit of a rut.

Perhaps the stress of the pandemic and everything else that you’ve been dealing with has really done a number on you. Maybe you have a ton of ancient history weighing you down. Whichever or whatever is the case it is time for a personal transformation.

Take a look at some of the books that are considered classics in self-help. That sort of thing. Whether it’s something like “You can’t afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought,” or “The Four Agreements” or Richard Branson’s biography – find something and someone that inspires you and force yourself to study it even if only for three minutes a day.

Capricorn Tarotscope May 2021

Capricorn Tarotscope May 2021

Well funnily enough you Capricorns seem to be scheduled for a relatively calm, cool, and collected month. So, this may make you really annoyed with all the other zodiac signs as they aren’t anywhere as near as together as you will likely be feeling for most of the month of May.

Try not to take other people’s attitudes too personally as they aren’t trying to be ugly to you. it’s just that many of them will be feeling overly stressed.

Just put your head down and focus on your own goals, enjoy the sunshine when you can and on your own, if that’s what’s necessary. Just know that everyone else will catch up to you eventually and probably sooner than you think. The stress that many of them are under will not last forever and you will once again feel comfortable in their presence.

Aquarius Tarotscope May 2021

Aquarius Tarotscope May 2021

Not unlike your Capricorn brethren above, you are going to be more centered than many of those around you. That doesn’t mean that in your case all will go swimmingly, however.

You can expect at least some conflict that you may not be able to sidestep. If you can’t avoid it then don’t let it escalate any more than you must. Know when to step in and make people laugh and know when to walk away and let others sort it out between themselves.

Women will play a significant role in how well your month goes so cultivate some time and some happiness with your female friends and family members. Overall, this will be a pleasant month. Especially if you can stay out of that conflict that was mentioned above.

Make plans for later in the year. Whether that is simply a short break, or a full holiday doesn’t really matter. It will give you something positive to hang onto until the time arrives.

Pisces Tarotscope May 2021

Pisces Tarotscope May 2021

To say that you’re dealing with an existential crisis would be an understatement. The philosopher Kierkegaard wrote “Continue; I’ll discover where you sweat,” and you’ve been “continuing” for some time – and sweating.

You undoubtedly find yourself feeling alone, but this is an illusion. If you know that you’ve hurt people that you care about, start and don’t stop with your apologies until you know that they have at least been received and contemplated by the person(s) in question. Then let it go. That’s all you can really do.

None of us can change what happened in the past, of course. But if you have regrets, if things didn’t go the way you intended them to go it is better to speak up and say so. Because people don’t really see where you’re coming from you may have inadvertently caused problems where you didn’t intend to do so.

Free Tarotscope May 2021 by Deborah

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Icon Images by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay Adapted by Tarot Time

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