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General Interpretation

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups like all aces in the tarot is about new beginnings. In particular it relates to emotions, relationships, friendships and so on.

The beginning in question though does not have to be the start of something completely new. It could simply be that a relationship for example is going to enter a new phase.

Generally speaking the Ace of Cups is an upbeat and positive card. In some respects regarding its positivity you can look at it in the same sort of light as the 9 of Cups.

Friends and Family

The upbeat and positive nature of this card will be quite obvious in any reading concerning friends or family. If you don’t have much contact with your family on a day to day basis you are likely to receive good news from them and similarly for friends.

Whether it is friends or family or both any contact or interaction you have with them is likely to go well and be very harmonious. If you have been thinking of introducing some of your friends to your family or vice versa then this would be a good time to do it.

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Love and Relationships

If you are already in a relationship then the appearance of the Ace of Cups is going to signify a new phase. This could be moving in together or getting married but whichever is the case it will indicate a deeper level of commitment. If you are already married then this is likely to be a period of greater understanding between the two of you.

If you are single and you are looking for love then this is a really good card to appear because it indicates you are likely to be successful in your quest.

If you are single and not looking then its appearance can indicate a potential new love coming into your life whether it was something you were looking for or not.

Spiritual Growth

It is very likely that you are going to receive a new lesson and that as a result you are going to make progress in your spiritual journey.

This could come about because of something you read, or watch on television, or see in a movie etc. The other way it might happen is that somebody you know will be instrumental in giving you a “spiritual” nudge in the right direction.

Work and Career

If you are unemployed and looking for a job, or thinking about changing your job then it is a good omen that you will find something to your liking. That does not mean however, that it is going to walk up your garden path and knock on your door! You will have to do your part looking for it but rest assured it is out there waiting to be found.

For those of you who are happy where you are job-wise and aren’t looking for something new then it could possibly indicate a promotion or a pay rise, or at the very least an improvement in the status quo.

Message from Spirit

If you are feeling a little stuck in a rut then you need to hang in there and give it more time. Positive change is coming.

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Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

Image Attribution: “Ace of Cups” via Wikipedia.