Free Tarotscope June 2021

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Tarotscope June 2021 Quick-start

Sorry for the later than usual appearance this month. We aim to get it out on the first but sometimes that just isn’t possible. Tarot Time’s Tarotscope June 2021 forecast for each zodiac sign is now available and can be found below. Tarot Time’s co-owner and veteran tarot reader, Deborah, is the person mainly responsible for creating our free monthly tarotscopes.

What Is a Tarotscope?

You may be wondering what our Tarotscope June 2021 post is all about. Perhaps you’re asking yourself, “What exactly is a tarotscope?” The answer is remarkably simple. It is the same concept as a horoscope in so much that it gives a taste of what the featured month will be like. Unlike a horoscope though, it is based on tarot cards and not the stars. Just think of it as a tarot horoscope and you’ll be right on.

Zodiac or Sun Signs

  • Aries (March 21 -April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
  • Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 23)
  • Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
  • Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Aries Tarotscope June 2021

Aries Tarotscope June 2021

June looks like a positive month for you. You may feel as though this is one of the most prosperous months that you’ve had in a while, and this is a particularly suitable time to start making sure that you’re making your money work for you.

Could you open something like an Acorns account, which lets you “automatically” save money? Can you set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking account to sock money away in an interest-bearing account?

Small changes and small steps can add up to big changes. And speaking of steps, are you walking enough/getting any exercise? The average American walks around 2,000 steps a day and if you’re trying to lose weight the recommendations are around 10-15,000 steps a day. But start where you are. If you’re only doing 2,000 a day – aim for 2,500 for a week. The cost of pedometers/fitness watches has gone down substantially. They are worth their weight in gold!

Overall, you are likely to feel enthusiastic and you can and should be planning for the rest of the year. If you are reading this, you are old enough to understand that each year passes more and more quickly as we get older. Carpe those Diems!

Taurus Tarotscope June 2021

Taurus Tarotscope June 2021

Although a few sun signs are likely to have some struggles this month, Taurus for the most part does not seem likely to be one of them. Even if you’re not expecting it, you are likely to find some money coming to you just in time to help you feel more comfortable and settled. Some people around you are likely to be a bit jealous of what you’ve achieved but that is truly their problem and not yours.

You are entitled to enjoy some of the fruits of your labor so don’t hesitate to spend some of what you’re making just on something that you want. Yes, there are other people in your life who may be jealous or who may not understand where you are coming from or what your plans are. The thing is what matters is what you understand. Give yourself some credit, even if most other people don’t seem to do so.

This is also a good time to make long term plans. If you’re in a relationship, it may be time to seriously re-evaluate. If you aren’t happy, you know that things are not going to magically change to a situation where you are happier. Speak up for what you need.

Gemini Tarotscope June 2021

Gemini Tarotscope June 2021

Even though this is the birthday month for many of you, it looks like conflict is a near-surety. The planetary movements this month are complicating everything anyway, so be ready to deal with people who are stressed, inconsistent and at times very unkind.

Don’t let yourself think or say that this is the way that the whole rest of your life is going to be because it is not. This too shall pass so don’t escalate fights with angry people.

Watch yourself, too, when you are the one who is angry, tired, and disgusted. Sometimes the things we say when we are most upset get taken seriously even when we think everyone will know not to. The things you say may well leave serious scars. So, if you find that some of your nearest and dearest are acting stroppy or sad around you, make a point to question and explore.

It is more than possible that some of the conflict will be internal – you could be fighting with yourself. The main thing that you need to do is to give voice to how you really feel. For example, if you don’t want to work in the office ever again – at least allow yourself to acknowledge that working from home is what you really want, even if your employer is mandating that everyone come back to in-person work. This is the way that you start the process that will lead to you getting what you need.

Cancer Tarotscope June 2021

Cancer Tarotscope June 2021

This month, for you, will have a lot of peaceful energy, even though many people around you will be stressed, tired, annoyed, and cranky. You will know intuitively that their angst, etc. is not personal to you. But that won’t make it any easier to deal with. This is a great month to take time away if you can, even for a few hours.

Ideally this getaway would be in solitude, but perhaps instead you will need to bring your family with you. Despite the fact that you could really use some rest and relaxation, if you’re not careful you’ll just be taking care of people in a different setting, not so much having some down time.

So, the advice is to give yourself space to breathe and rest and meditate. If other people don’t get it, you don’t have to do backflips to try to make them “get you.” They don’t have to get it. They just have to accept you.

Leo Tarotscope June 2021

Leo Tarotscope June 2021

If you’ve been looking for love you are highly likely to hit paydirt this month. Your tarot indicates a high probably that a romantic partner is heading your way.  So, if you are looking then get out and mingle (safely!)  and put the word out there that you are seriously looking to meet someone special.

You have no doubt been accused at some time of being a “bull in a china shop,” which is somewhat unfair. Unlike the bull, you have some goals and plans in that shop. But this time, don’t hesitate to talk about them with the ones that have central romantic roles.  Perhaps it would go something like this: “I know neither one of us is ready to jump into a super serious relationship. But that is what I want in my life. I need to know that you, my partner, is committed to me.”

You will benefit eventually by making your expectations as clear as possible. Don’t expect the rest of us to be in the same peaceful state as you are.

Virgo Tarotscope June 2021

Virgo Tarotscope June 2021

This month you will be feeling stretched. People may make all sorts of demands, and you’re going to run yourself ragged if you try to fulfil them all. When you need to rest, you need to rest. If you don’t honor your own needs, why would you expect anyone else to do so?

It is likely that family in particular, but possibly friends as well are clinging to you more than is good for either them or you. There is nothing wrong with a family being close but that doesn’t mean that you must be living in each other’s pockets every hour of every day of the week.

People may also try to borrow money from you if they can. You might be okay with giving/loaning a small amount, but someone could come asking for a HUGE favor like co-signing a car loan. If so, be very aware that you are likely to end up paying the loan.

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Libra Tarotscope June 2021

Libra Tarotscope June 2021

This is going to be a more social month than you’ve had in a while, even if for any reason you are not yet comfortable being around people in person.

There will be a man who kind of takes center stage for you this month, and you should pay close attention to him. He’s likely to come to you with a message.

It also looks like some of you are “cleaning house,” of friends that you’re not really close to, people who you don’t want to be around, situations that aren’t healthy for you. This may not be easy for you to do because you are a caring person. But you are right to think that it must be done.

Romantically, it looks like the person that you have your eye on may be being pursued by several others. Even so, give it your best shot. You need to know that you have done all that you can for this potential relationship where your heart is involved. This can also work the other way and mean that you are going to be pursued by several interested people romantically. Enjoy the attention.

Scorpio Tarotscope June 2021

Scorpio Tarotscope June 2021

You are tired and if you are not careful that fatigue is going to carry though this month to a significant extent. You have worked hard, and played hard, and sometimes that just takes its toll, especially if you have pushed past your physical and mental limits and you probably did because you needed to do so.

Not everyone gets what you are trying to do, and the thing is that’s not new. Most of you have spent large swathes of your life as being considered on the fringe, or kind of as a rolling stone that does things their own way.

For those of you in a relationship, this is a time when reevaluating is a particularly good idea. You may be sticking with someone that is bad for you, since you figure it’s better than nothing. If that’s the case, rethink. Being in an unhealthy relationship is much worse than being alone.

Sagittarius Tarotscope June 2021

Sagittarius Tarotscope June 2021

Many of the Saggies among us are tired, for a variety of reasons. You may finally have some money coming in that you’ve been waiting for for some time. This is a great start, but this is not a time to completely rest on your laurels.

What are your long-term plans?  You seem to be looking ahead to making serious money and the way to make that happen is partly by making small amounts of money over and over again.

We are all more than just our sun signs, of course. Some of the supposedly friendly, happy go lucky stereotypical Sagittarians are actually not all that social. And some of you are entirely focused on details and on getting things done properly. Don’t let yourself worry too much. Do whatever it takes to relax as you have been driving yourself unmercifully in one way or another for a very long time.

You also may be a little overwhelmed with all the projects you want to undertake or could undertake. Narrow things down. And remember, finished is better than perfect.

Capricorn Tarotscope June 2021

Capricorn Tarotscope June 2021

Well, many of you inadvertently threw huge monkey wrenches into relationships and situations which weren’t that bad. This is a time to stop, look, and listen and if you’ve got apologies to make because of your behavior, then make them and resolve to do better.

Overall, this month will be a better month than the last one was, even though you are likely to feel misunderstood as June rolls on. Yes, not a lot of people get you, but let’s face it, there’s a lot you don’t get about other people too. Like how they can be so cruel, or so thoughtless etc.

Apart from that, in some ways you may be beginning to reinvent yourself in some way. That’s not a terrible thing. Bear in mind, however, that some people really don’t like change in any way, shape, or form. It’s quite common, even when someone makes an extremely healthy change that others will try to tempt you back to the way you’ve always been. 

Aquarius Tarotscope June 2021

Aquarius Tarotscope June 2021

The energies around Aquarians this month are extraordinarily strong, swirling around, and there will also be an awakening as to how ahead of the curve many of you are in a variety of ways.

You have thought through many problems about society, life, the universe, and everything and most of you have been doing that for years. There are so few people who give thought to things like society, so those that do must be consulted when there are big problems that are unfolding.

In short, speak your mind, write your representatives, let people know what your considered opinion is about whatever is going on.

If you have been looking for a new romantic relationship to no avail, this is likely to be a good month for you to meet and connect with someone new. Make a point to reach out if someone new contacts you/or someone wants to introduce you to someone.

Pisces Tarotscope June 2021

Pisces Tarotscope June 2021

It looks like some of the money concerns that you have had over the last few months are finally easing up. You will find yourself spending some time (either in person or via electronic means) with people that you care about and that will do your heart good.

A man in your world is likely to be trying to assert control and could be throwing his weight around. You may be tempted to throttle him, but instead try to talk it through with him. What you interpret as anger and even controlling behavior could be driven by anxiety and fears about the future.

Of course, knowing where someone’s behavior is coming from doesn’t change the situation a whole lot, but it can help you to have some compassion about it. In short it is unlikely that someone is just trying to control you for the mere sake of it; there is much more going on below the surface than that.

If you need some assistance of any kind, the energies around you also show that there is an older man who may be prepared to help you if you simply asked him to do so. Don’t try to soldier through everything on your own. If you need help even with something as simple as changing a lightbulb, “ask, and ye shall receive!” This will overall be a good month for you.

Free Tarotscope June 2021 by Deborah

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Icon Images by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay Adapted by Tarot Time

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