Tarot Time Tarotscopes

Free Tarotscope April 2021

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Tarotscope Trends April 2021

Tarot Time’s Tarotscope April 2021 forecast for each zodiac sign is now available and can be found below. Tarot Time’s co-owner and veteran tarot reader, Deborah, is the person responsible for doing our free monthly tarotscopes. If they prove popular, we will continue them as a permanent feature.

What Is a Tarotscope?

You may be wondering what our Tarotscope April 2021 post is all about. Perhaps you’re asking yourself, “What exactly is a tarotscope?” The answer is actually remarkably simple. It is pretty much the same concept as a horoscope in so much that it gives a taste of what the featured month will be like. Unlike a horoscope though, it is based on tarot cards and not the stars. Just think of it as a tarot horoscope and you’ll be right on.

Zodiac or Sun Signs

  • Aries (March 21 -April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
  • Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 23)
  • Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
  • Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Aries Tarotscope April 2021

Aries Tarotscope April 2021

After many ups and downs you’ve had over the past few months, there does seem to be lots about this month to make you smile.

You’ve had your shoulder to the proverbial grindstone most of your life so when the opportunity to relax a little comes into being, you had better get with the resting and recovery program.

Later in the month you’re going to be busier than you can currently anticipate so getting your ducks in a row is an excellent idea. Clean up, clean out, organize, throw stuff away. You know the drill.

Keep the flow of energy moving by keeping things in your life moving. Donate to people you care about and/or causes that you believe in. Remember, just put one foot in front of the other and you will make progress. You don’t have to understand the whole journey before taking a step.

Taurus Tarotscope April 2021

Taurus Tarotscope April 2021

Taureans are going to have a very interesting time this month in a good way which is always a bonus. Nobody likes interesting times that are bad! This month you could easily see some wishes come true.

However, it will be very hard for that to happen if you don’t make a plan, and if you don’t make some wishes. You might think that it’s silly to make wishes but the truth is if you don’t wish, if you don’t ask, you don’t get! Of course, you still have to do your parts to make those wishes come through.

If you feel like you have been wronged by some people you might be pleasantly surprised to find some “justice” coming your way. You were probably told when you were young not to gloat when others had bad luck. That was not just because it looked bad but a reminder that life is not fair and basically anything that could happen to “them” could also happen to you. So, no schadenfreude, okay?

Gemini Tarotscope April 2021

Gemini Tarotscope April 2021

You spend a lot of your life running around for a variety of reasons but mostly for the benefit of the people that you care about. However, for some reason you simply may not be able to do as much running around this month.

Whether or not someone is a loyal friend or is just using you will show up very clearly when you tell them that you can’t do what you usually do. If they are caring and supportive then that tells you that they actually do find YOU important, and not just what you can do for them. The truth will out.

Take time to rest and think about what you actually want to get accomplished this month and what you need to get accomplished. Make sure the “needs” get addressed first

Be cautious with people who are younger than you are this month. If you play favorites, this will backfire on you in a less than pleasant way. Anger, hurt, and upset could all happen if you are not careful.

Cancer Tarotscope April 2021

Cancer Tarotscope April 2021

There are a lot of good things that seem to be heading your way this month. Even if you’re feeling very prosperous now, you may very well find yourself being given more financial resources than you expected. Be cautious about how you use those resources yet don’t feel like you can’t touch them. The money is there for a reason.

Also, bear in mind that when you spend money you are keeping energy and money flowing in the community. This does not refer just to cash or mean that you should give more than you can afford; donating clothes, household furnishings, and so on, will also do a lot of good.

Last, but far from least, you may need more than usual time to yourself. Some of your friends may not “get it,” but they don’t need to get it. Just do what you need to do.

Leo Tarotscope April 2021

Leo Tarotscope April 2021

A younger person (most likely a male) will almost certainly get on your nerves big time this week. Try not to be too harsh with him, even if he really, really, should know better.

People may not understand how certain things are particularly hard for you (such as relying on other people, as an example). Do your best to open up, and to share what is on your mind, even if you have to do it piecemeal or in writing.

Apart from that, this is highly likely to be an uplifting month for you in many ways. It’s not always going to come up your garden path and knock on your door, however. If you want to feel uplifted as much as possible then you will need to open yourself up and go out there and search for it.

Virgo Tarotscope April 2021

Virgo Tarotscope April 2021

“They” say that in March things go in like a lion but out like a lamb. Well, that’s basically what your April is likely to be like. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself needing to take some time alone (no matter what anyone might think or feel about that…) and you should do so if you’re feeling those urges.

You may also very well have been feeling like a relationship of some kind was going to need to change markedly or to come to an end. You really need to give that some thought and if deemed appropriate, act on it.

Those sorts of things are never easy but you’re not the game-playing type, and when it’s time for something to change, it’s time. Trust your intuition and know that even if you aren’t sure what your personal life will look like if/after the change you’re contemplating is made, know that you will be all right. This relationship changing energy may have more to do with a family member or friend than a lover, but it could be any of them.

You might find it hard to believe but if you are even a little bit in the market for a romantic relationship you could meet someone very alluring toward the end of the month. Keep an open mind and don’t prejudge people you meet.

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Libra Tarotscope April 2021

Libra Tarotscope April 2021

April is a month when you really need to mind your “p’s and q’s.” This is not because you are likely to do something horrible if you aren’t careful, but because you are likely to punish yourself unnecessarily if you do not meet your own very high standards in some way.

You may also be feeling somewhat fragile and if that is the case it’s time to pay attention to that. Don’t ignore the way you are feeling but do something about it.

Do you need some assistance? If you are having a challenging time, don’t feel like you must soldier on all on your own. Reach out. It helps. And we all need to do so! There are more people willing to help you than you realize.

Scorpio Tarotscope April 2021

Scorpio Tarotscope April 2021

In general, this month is going to feel like life has taken at least a slight turn for the better for you. It’s almost as if someone flicked a switch and you find yourself feeling more positive and more alive than you have for some time.

Financially, things may be looking better than you’ve allowed yourself to hope. That doesn’t mean you can gamble and bet the whole farm, of course, but it does mean that you might allow yourself to have a little extra fun this month in some way when more money is coming in.

It’s likely that a woman in your life may give you a tough time for some reason. Yes, she may have a legitimate gripe and if you can see that she might then let her have her say. But if this is someone who just likes to push people around, you can put her in her place in ways that most people can’t muster. Think carefully about which way you’d want to go.

Sagittarius Tarotscope April 2021

Sagittarius Tarotscope April 2021

For a variety of reasons, the normally upbeat nature of Sagittarians is likely to be less evident. That’s not a horrible thing unless it interferes with the quality of your life on a constant basis. You are likely to be feeling trapped to some extent and even if that’s mostly due to the pandemic that doesn’t make it any less real.

It’s possible that you are simply under-stimulated. The pandemic has caused all of us to stay in smaller groups, to be more repetitive and less exploratory in general. Know that this is not going to be forever. Try to associate with upbeat people if you can. We all tend to become more like the people we spend time with. That is not always a bad thing!

Having said all that, your emotions may be more than a little confusing this month. Just let them be. Feeling unhappy does not mean you need to pull up stakes and move to Mongolia next week.

Capricorn Tarotscope April 2021

Capricorn Tarotscope April 2021

Well, this month looks highly competitive for you. And if it’s not already competitive in some way, you’re highly likely to make it so, even if it’s just betting your friend $50 that you can stay offline longer than he or she can. Keep the competitions lighthearted even if you’re competing in a more formal kind of way such as you may be doing in your career.

You may well succeed in winning whatever it is that you’re going after this month, but don’t make too big a deal of it. Yes, you’ve done well. You don’t need to rub anyone’s nose in that fact. And if for some reason you don’t reach every goal you have undertaken, don’t allow that to become a cause for shame. No one wins every single time. No one.

Aquarius Tarotscope April 2021

Aquarius Tarotscope April 2021

You are always something of a “people person” and this month is no different although it may be the first time since the pandemic began in which you could spend time with other people without too much fear.

People in your extended friends and family will be more of a focus this month than they may have been for quite a while. It is not that any of them are likely to be causing a problem and needing your attention but more along the lines that you will simply be spending some quality time together.

There is a good possibility that you will decide to spend this time together physically rather than in a virtual environment. Having said that, even if it is online, it will still be good.

Pisces Tarotscope April 2021

Pisces Tarotscope April 2021

The emotional quality of this month is very unusual. You’re likely to feel both happy and loved but also lonely and sad at the same time. Your feelings will one minute seem clear as a bell and fantastic, and the next minute you’ll be wanting to crawl into bed and be left alone.

It would be tempting to look outside yourself and think “Well, I wouldn’t be feeling like this if only…” when the reality of the situation is that how you are feeling, and behaving is only partly because of what is going on in/with/through others.

You see almost no one can control their emotions all the time but everyone can try. And it’s rarely someone else’s fault that you feel the way you do. It is your job to manage your emotions. The good news is that you have all the internal tools that you need to do so. This won’t be a bad month, but you may feel a little fragile. Just respect that, and all should be well.

Free April Tarotscopes by Deborah

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Icon Images by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay Adapted by Tarot Time

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