Tarot Time Tarotscopes

Free Tarotscope March 2021

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Tarotscope Trends March 2021

Tarot Time’s Tarotscope March 2021 forecast for each zodiac sign is now available and can be found below. Tarot Time’s co-owner and veteran tarot reader is the person responsible for doing our free monthly tarotscopes. If they prove popular, we will continue them as a permanent feature.

What Is a Tarotscope?

Some of you may be wondering what our Tarotscope March 2021 post is all about. So, what exactly is a tarotscope? The answer is remarkably simple. It is a similar concept to a horoscope in so much that it gives a taste of what the month will be like. Unlike a horoscope however, it is based on drawn tarot cards not the stars. Just think of it as a tarot horoscope and you’ll be spot on.

Zodiac or Sun Signs

  • Aries (March 21 -April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
  • Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 23)
  • Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
  • Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

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Aries Tarotscope March 2021

Aries Tarotscope

The Ides of March, as they say, are going to bring new blessings along with some longer-lived challenges.

If you’re doing them right, relationships are still challenging. It’s generally pretty easy just to skim the surface in a relationship, but everyone deserves more than that. Make sure you take each other seriously.

If you’ve been very unhappy in your relationship, it’s time to ask questions and it’s also time to be sure that *you* are not the one who has caused any problems in the relationship.

This is a time to be very cautious with spiritual or religious “gurus” who are trying to get you to hand over money for their book/seminar/retreat etc.

Of course, you should support the creators whose work you appreciate, but be cautious about signing over all your money and taking off for points unknown just to be near the guru in question. You are just as valuable spiritually as any guru.

Taurus Tarotscope March 2021

Taurus Tarotscope

I’d like to tell you that this time period will be comfortable and simple, but that would not be the case, I’m afraid.

Having said that, you are a strong person, and sometimes the places where we grow the most are in the places we are most uncomfortable.

Consider people in a room, negotiating a sale. The seller says, “I won’t take less than x dollars.” The buyer knows that they might take less so she is silent.

Seconds pass. Five seconds, eight seconds. It’s not a comfortable silence, but the buyer knows her stuff. Ten seconds, twelve. Then the seller says “Well…” and the buyer puts out a lower dollar and the sale is made.

If she had refused to deal with the discomfort of the silence, she would have lost the advantage. Know that you can bide your time and ride out the discomfort also. There will also be a “win” for you if you do.

Gemini Tarotscope March 2021

Gemini Tarotscope

Geminis have been through enough hassle lately and I know you don’t need any more. Unfortunately, I’m not in charge of the universe, so you’re going to need to tie the proverbial knot in your ropes and hang on tight.

The most important thing you can do is ask for help. You are not in this life alone, and there ARE always people who can and will help you. This is not going to be a horrible month, but you are in danger of feeling overwhelmed frequently.

Err on the side of “No,” much more often, and bear in mind that “No.” is a complete sentence. Take time alone to do nothing, even if all you can do is take an extra five minutes in the restroom. Rest.

Cancer Tarotscope March 2021

Cancer Tarotscope

No matter what last month was like you’re going to find yourself feeling more like yourself for at least some of the time in March.

All of a sudden, it’s as if you wake up, stretch, and can think of eighteen really good plans and the steps that need to be taken to make them happen.

Just don’t bark orders at people, whether you are the boss or not. Give yourself all the orders you want to, but do so politely, it’s good practice!

Younger people, especially those with whom you work with in some way, are going to be less than endearing this month.

Just show them where the limits are. Remember, you are training them to respect those limits not only for your own sake but for anyone they will work with or for in the future.

Leo Tarotscope March 2021

Leo Tarotscope

You are going to be feeling very keyed up and ready to go this month and the problem is there is still a pandemic going on and there is not a lot to do or places to go.

Look at changes you want to make in your own environment and/or with yourself. You can only control yourself and to think otherwise is folly.

Be careful at work – you may be brimming with so much enthusiasm you might accidentally step on people’s toes, metaphysically speaking. Bank your fires. Look to a longer-term future, not just next week.

Virgo Tarotscope March 2021

Virgo Tarotscope

You will be feeling much the same as Geminis this month, I’m afraid. A bit overwhelmed, a bit over-amped or keyed up, and a bit eager for things to combine more simply. Sorry but that looks much more likely for next month.

This month, your plans are better off working “behind the scenes,” and getting all the details right, even if you are one of those atypical messy Virgos! So don’t beat yourself up if other people don’t “get you.”

Just keep doing your thing; you have a good head on your shoulders if you’ve used even a little bit of your brainpower over the years. Plan, and plan some more. You will know when the time is right to trot out your pitch deck, business plan, or even list of what you want to get at the grocery store.

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Libra Tarotscope March 2021

Libra Tarotscope

You are highly likely to have a good month for the most part and this would be an excellent time to let yourself make a wish for the month, if not for the year.

If you don’t wish for anything, how will you ever get it? Wishing and hoping are not weaknesses unless you just refuse to do your part.

In addition to the wishing and the “part-doing,” you will also need to keep your thoughts on the positive parts of your life as much as you can. What we pay attention to in our lives is what grows. You can choose where you put your attention.

Last but far from least, make sure you are not unduly judgmental this month. You cannot tell by just looking at someone who they are, what they are up against, and what they’ve been through. Please keep an open mind.

Scorpio Tarotscope March 2021

Scorpio Tarotscope

If you are not careful it looks as though you may have an unusual bout of being dangerously close to feeling sorry for yourself.

Yes, you may have some regrets. Yep, you may think you’d be better off if you’d followed path “A” rather than path “B” but all those regrets are truly useless unless you have some apologies you are inclined to make. If you don’t then don’t dwell. You can’t do anything about the past.

On a brighter note, despite the fact that you may have moments where you feel that the world is coming crashing down around your ears the truth of the matter is that it isn’t. And if anything does come to an end, relationship-wise, it is truly making room for the future. Stuff falls down and falls apart sometimes. It’s the way of the world. We build back up. It’s the way of the universe.

Sagittarius Tarotscope March 2021

Sagittarius Tarotscope

Lots of good stuff happening this month for the Sagittarians among us if they stay mindful that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

You folks have a lot of love showing up for you this month both giving and receiving it. It would be a mistake to think this was all or is only romantic love when it is no such thing.

For most people it will be a combination of romantic love and “Agape” love from the Greek meaning unconditional love. Just let your love light shine as the hippies used to say, and all should be well.

Sagittarians are a hardworking bunch, in general and this month it looks to be no different. Just remember to sleep every now and again. Try to factor in some relaxation too. You will work better if you do.

Capricorn Tarotscope March 2021

Capricorn Tarotscope

You may be longing for the simplicity of childhood when it seemed everything was under control and all would be well. That happened for almost everyone at some point in childhood.

The thing is, what you are longing for was and is an illusion. It was never perfect, and the list of things that any human is truly in control of is pretty short.

On the other hand, you should simultaneously find yourself doing well workwise at least. Give yourself some credit and if you manage a team make sure they get credit for good work done as well.

Aquarius Tarotscope March 2021

Aquarius Tarotscope

You’re going to need to keep a close eye on yourselves this month. Even if everything outwardly is going fantastically for you (and it might be!) you need to pay attention to any “signals” that you may not be functioning at your best.

If you’ve been really down, if you’ve been sleeping all the time or not sleeping enough you might need to talk to someone you trust about how you’re doing. You are not alone, and there’s nothing wrong with asking for help if you aren’t functioning as well as you normally do.

Of course, not every Aquarian is going to be struggling. There are going to be many of you who will be moving in a positive way. Embrace the movement.

You may possibly be going on a short trip or at least get around a bit more than you have done since COVID-19 hit. It is also possible that some of you working remotely may be called back to work.

Pisces Tarotscope March 2021

Pisces Tarotscope

The French phrase “Cherchez la femme” is often thrown around by English speakers and I’m told it is used wrongly a lot of the time.

The French meaning is far more nuanced than the usual English translation. In English it translates to “Look for the woman,” but for you Pisceans this month it is more in line with the French concept. Which involves concepts like “It’s the same problem as ever,” and perhaps, even “Look for the feminine energy,” and/or “Women are causing the problem.”

If that sounds unclear and murky that’s because it is. Be careful with your own feminine energy, and certainly watch out for women who may be causing trouble for you.

Don’t try to figure everybody else out. You’ve got enough on your plate figuring yourself out this month. Sit with the uncertainty and seek balance. That’s your same problem as ever. Deal with that well and you’ll have a great month.

Free March Tarotscopes by Deborah

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Icon Images by DarkmoonArt_de from Pixabay Adapted by Tarot Time

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