Tarot Time Announcement

Website Changes

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Upcoming Website Changes

Here at Tarot Time, we are always trying to improve on what our website has to offer and so another round of changes is on the way. Some will be quite quick and some not so quick.

Reversal Meanings

The first and the biggest of the website changes is that I have decided to go ahead and write tarot meanings for reversed cards. To be honest I don’t use reversals very much, but on occasion it is very necessary so I certainly do not ignore them.

I have had a lot of inquiries as to whether they will ever appear on Tarot Time so for those of you that do use them regularly they will slowly be appearing.

I say slowly because I have decided to put the cards up as I write them rather than wait until they are all completed. Unfortunately, with so much needing doing elsewhere in life there are not enough hours in the day.

Website Design Changes

Website Changes

As some of you may have noticed, there have been some other website changes.

We now have a different theme courtesy of MyThemeShop but apart from the color of the header it looks remarkably similar which was intentional.

There are many changes behind the scenes with the theme, however. It should load faster for those who are Internet speed challenged and it should be even more mobile friendly than the first theme was.

Probably the most visible aspect will of these will be the images that you see. I will need to redo and/or resize just about every image on the site as the new theme sizes and deals with featured images differently.

It should not affect your use of the website in any way but some of the images will appear to be the wrong size or squashed. All the changes needed should be done within the month, but in the meantime my apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Website Changes Announcement by Paul

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