Cleansing Tarot Cards

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How to Cleanse Tarot Cards

Cleansing your tarot cards and how to do so will often come down to your own personal belief system. As long as the cleansing works all is well.

Why it is necessary may also hinge around what you believe. Personally, if I encounter any of the instances covered in this previous article, cleansing is a must.

There are many ways you can accomplish this and personally I don’t believe that there is any single right way to do it, or for that matter, any wrong way.

If you have no strong personal preference, then simply try the various methods listed below and see if any one works better than the others for you.

Before Cleansing Your Tarot Cards

The first thing I always do is to put all the tarot cards in order and in an upright position. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I have always found that doing this helps with the cleansing.

My personal choice for cleansing is the first one but other than that they are in no particular order so select the method of your choice and try it out!

Tarot Card Cleansing Using Stones and Crystals

Put your cards with a suitable negativity clearing stone or crystal for at least 24 hours or even longer if you feel the cards are particularly weighed down. My personal favorite is kyanite but other stones that I have tried that you could consider are: Black tourmaline, chrysoprase, lepidolite, clear quartz, rose quartz, and selenite. There is nothing wrong with trying any stone to see if it works for you.

Tarot Card Cleansing with Incense and Smudging

Wave your cards through the smoke of a burning smudging stick such as sage, or if you prefer you could try incense.

Lucky Numbers Help Some Readers with Cleansing

If you have a lucky number, then put all the tarot cards in order and in an upright position and then shuffle the cards that number of times. I didn’t find this method particularly effective for me. But, to be fair, I don’t really have a definitive lucky number.

Cleansing with the Light from the Full Moon

Leave your cards in the light of the full moon overnight. If the full moon is still some way off, then try leaving them in moonlight for several nights instead.

Cleanse your Deck with Candles

Light a white candle and let it burn down next to your cards. Another method is to light a white candle and visualize cleansing and purity while holding them. How long you do this for is up to you so when it “feels right” it probably is.

Sea Salt Cleansing Works but Be Careful

Sea salt is good at absorbing negativity and you can use it to do just that. I have known people to dissolve it in water and sprinkle their cards with it but personally I am not prepared to risk damaging my cards by doing so.

Similarly, it would not be wise to sprinkle sea salt on your cards if you live in a high humidity area. Sodium chloride is hygroscopic. It absorbs moisture from the atmosphere when the relative humidity is above 75% so with that in mind, I would put the cards and salt in a closed container (separated) and leave for 24 hours.

Last Thoughts on Cleansing Tarot Cards

I am sure there are other methods I am not aware of and if I come across any I will try them out and add them here if appropriate.

Cleansing Tarot Cards Article by Paul

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