Golden Tarot Review

The Golden Tarot

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The Golden Tarot Review

This Golden Tarot review will hopefully persuade a few of you to try these interesting tarot cards out. No deck is going to please 100% of the people 100% of the time, of course. But this deck not only caught my eye but everyone I have interacted with who has seen it or used it really liked it. So, on with the Golden Tarot deck review.

The Artwork

There was clearly a lot of thought put into the choices that were made for the Golden Tarot artwork. Also, considerable effort was made to produce high-quality, beautiful images in the first place. All the images look like they could have been painted in the middle ages; however, they were made digitally by the deck’s designer. Apparently, she took parts of actual early paintings and used software to “knit” them into new images.

The Golden Tarot Cards Themselves

The cards have gilded edges, but like most gilded items, some of the gold will rub off slightly with use. I have not had trouble with this deck, but it is not the one that I use daily; I have heard some readers had the image peel off from the card but that did not happen to me.

Obviously, that’s potentially a fatal flaw. So, if you buy the deck, I recommend working with it for at least an hour or so while it is still within its “guaranteed” time period.

If something like that is going to happen it tends to happen early on. Lemons usually show their true colors very quickly.

For a professional working reader like myself and even though I almost never read in person anymore the box that this deck comes in may make up for any qualms about the cards. It’s sturdy, not over-sized and will store the deck permanently or let you carry them with you.


This is not the worst deck you could buy for someone who simply wants to learn tarot. Even someone who is relatively new to the work, but it will especially wow those who are art lovers.

A few of those students will find this deck a little frustrating. But the thought and effort that Black put into these cards and their interpretations will mean that even new readers will figure out the card with just a few moment’s thought.

All in all, I do recommend them. I would urge you to buy them brand new from someplace or someone who will stand behind their wares.

There is really only one other caveat. And that is that there are more than a few people who have a visceral, negative reaction to Christian archetypes and images. Even ancient ones, for a variety of reasons.

If you or the person you are considering this deck for are one of them, this is not the deck for you. It is a recognizable theme throughout the artwork. But for everyone else: yes, take the chance. It’s likely that the insight you glean through working with the deck will outweigh any of the potential problems.

The Golden Tarot Review by Deborah

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