Tarot Time's Guest Book

We Have A New Guestbook!

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Tarot Time’s New Guestbook

We have decided to have a guestbook at Tarot Time which can be found in the Tarot Time menu to the right.

Speaking personally I have zero tolerance for spammers so I am afraid I have added a simple math problem to ensure that someone is real and not a spam-bot. For those of you who have never run your own website you have no idea just what a headache would-be spammers and hackers are. For those of you who are “real” I apologize for the inconvenience – I hope you understand the necessity!

There are four obligatory fields on the form:

  • Name
  • Email address (This will NOT be visible)
  • Guestbook Entry
  • Anti-spam question (Answer in digits please!)

Your city and website are not obligatory and may be left blank if you wish.

For security purposes we do log the IP of all entries.




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