Tarot Quiz #002 – Major Arcana

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A Major Arcana Tarot Quiz!

Although the cards of the major arcana can appear in connection with the mundane in life they more often point to the bigger questions and themes. When they do so they always have an importance at a personal level that is not always there with the minors. Knowing them well will help any new reader to read more accurately.

This free ten question tarot quiz will test your general knowledge of some of the major arcana archetypes, ideas, and concepts.

Keep trying until you get all ten right!



  • 1. Which tarot card is often associated with a feeling of being trapped?
  • 2. Which card is often a sign of being overwhelmed?
  • 3. Which card is sometimes considered to be first and foremost about self-control?
  • 4. Which card often appears when things are far from being clear?
  • 5. Which card doesn't guarantee success but says go ahead and make a wish anyway - there is always hope?
  • 6. Which card is an indication that change is inevitable?
  • 7. Which card sometimes indicates that what goes around comes around?
  • 8. Which card is referred to as the Pisces of the tarot deck?
  • 9. Which card often appears when it seems as if the whole world has turned upside down?
  • 10. Which card generally means that you should be on the lookout for things that are going to be important and meaningful?



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