Tarot Quiz #001 – Major Arcana

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Our First Major Arcana Tarot Quiz

The cards of the major arcana generally point to the “big” questions and themes in life and as a result have an importance at a personal level that is not always there with the minors. Learning them well will stand any new reader in good stead.

This free ten question tarot quiz will test your  general knowledge of some of the major arcana archetypes, ideas, and concepts.

Keep trying until you get all ten right!



  • 1. Which card is most often associated with a profound new start?
  • 2. Which card is about change happening whether you want it to or not?
  • 3. Which card is about being at a crossroads?
  • 4. Which card can sometimes indicate a need for measured and thoughtful responses and reactions?
  • 5. Which card suggests that although changes are not permanent, change itself is?
  • 6. Which card points to relationships at the one on one level?
  • 7. Which card is about directing energies to make creative and positive beginnings?
  • 8. Which card is about doing what is right, what is expected, and is associated with upstanding, decent behavior?
  • 9. Which card represents the power of the universe?
  • 10. Which card is about things falling apart?



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