Native American Tarot Deck

Native American Tarot Deck

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At first glance the artwork in the Native American Tarot Deck seems a little primitive. That, I think, is deliberate and it is not a bad thing. This is not a sleek modern deck and that too is deliberate. It represents a cultural identity that goes back for centuries. The artwork is different to what you normally see but it does follow the Rider-Waite-Smith model to an extent.

I don’t think this is a deck for beginners; it is better for those with some experience. Having said that, if you are a somewhat inexperienced reader but are still drawn to this deck, then it may be worth your while getting the companion book Star-Spider Speaks: Teaching of the Native Amer Tarot to go with it. There is an accompanying booklet but like most booklets it doesn’t go into much detail. Most people need a little more guidance or would like more.

Native American life and culture heavily influences the meanings for the individual cards. Although there is a lot of commonality in meaning with more traditional decks there are some differences. When this happens, it is clearly pointed out. This is helpful as differences in meaning can be very confusing when you are among the less experienced. For an experienced reader it’s not such an issue as most will have developed their own interpretation system.

There is some controversy about there being a Native American tarot deck as the term is really a collective one. There are many tribes out there and each has its own history, legends, and belief system. No single deck can encompass all tribes and it would be a mistake to think this one does. In an ideal world each tribe would have its own deck, but I doubt that will ever happen unfortunately.

If things of a Native American nature appeal to you, then you should give this deck serious consideration.

Tarot Time Article by Paul

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