Protecting Tarot Cards - Tarot Box

Protecting Tarot Cards

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Protecting tarot cards is not for everyone and there are some readers out there who do not take any special precautions. If that works for you then so be it.

It’s not for me to tell you that you’re wrong but I would like to try and get you to reconsider. If you are one of those readers, you might want to try protecting your tarot deck and see if the accuracy of your readings improves!

I have known several professional readers who tried using a box or a bag and they found their readings became more accurate. It might not change anything for you but for the sake of a few dollars to buy a box or a bag I would consider it is worth trying.

The rest of us tend to take steps to protect our cards as a matter of course. My main reason for doing so is to protect the tarot cards from negativity. However, protecting tarot cards in some way also prevents physical damage.

Personally, I don’t think there is just one right way of doing so; much will depend on your personal belief system. The majority of readers opt for one of three main choices:

Wrapping the Cards to Protect Them and Then Keeping Them Wherever

Wrapping cards in a suitable material is probably the easiest and also the cheapest way of providing some protection. What you choose to wrap them in is up to you of course – the choice is very personal for a lot of people.

My suggestion though, is that you choose something like a square of silk. I do not believe the color is critical, but I have to say that black is probably the most popular in my experience with purple a close second.

It does not have to be silk of course and satin also works very well. I have tried both and my preference is for silk.

Protecting Tarot Cards by Storing in a Drawstring Bag

This is probably the most common method of protecting tarot cards and has the convenience of easy storage when traveling. The most popular choice is undoubtedly silk, but that is sometimes hard to obtain. A good second is satin like this one here.

I don’t believe the material is critical. Color too is a matter of personal preference but once again an overall black is probably the most favored. I say “overall black” because there are a large number of bags out there with contrasting designs embroidered or printed on them. There is nothing wrong with choosing a design that appeals to you rather than a plain finish.

Protecting Tarot Cards by Storing in a box.

Using a Box Like This One Will Help Protect Tarot Cards

From experience, wood is far and away the most popular choice with stone a distant second. There are, however, some nice designs available in other materials. I do not believe it really matters what the material is. I like wood and that is what I always go for.

The boxes will have some sort of design carved, etched, painted, or printed on them. But it is possible to get plain ones if that is what you really want.

I use several different boxes. I have a lot of tarot decks and the bulk of those are all stored in one big box. The decks that I am actively using have their own boxes. Being a professional reader, I do have several decks out at any one time. The reason is simply that I tend to use different decks for different readings. So, protecting tarot cards has become second nature to me.

Many readers (myself included) use a box at home or work but a bag when traveling. In addition, I choose to wrap my tarot cards in black silk when using the box.

If you can get a box that is silk lined however, then I would say you do not need to wrap them as well. Having said that, there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing so.

On a personal note, one of the boxes I currently use is the one pictured at the very beginning of this article. It is not silk lined, but it is well-made and to my mind attractive. It can be found here on Amazon if you are interested.

Similarly, Deborah uses the Tree of Life box that is shown just above this section. That too is available on Amazon and can be found here.

Protecting Tarot Cards Summary

I am a firm believer that taking precautions by protecting tarot cards from negativity helps me in my reading. I did not do so in the early days of reading and being perfectly honest I do not know if wrapping, boxing, or bagging, would have made a difference to my accuracy back then.

When I started reading for others as an amateur, I began to struggle with accuracy, and it was a friend who was a professional who suggested protecting my cards. As she explained, it’s bad enough being subjected to negativity that is part of everyday life, but it becomes far more problematic when being subjected to someone else’s negativity.

I do not think it matters which type of item you use when it comes to protecting tarot cards just so long as you do. I really like boxes but if bags seem to work better for you then that is just the way it is. It is not something to worry about.

Protecting Tarot Cards Article by Paul

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