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Magical Love!

Magical Love Tarot SpreadMagical love is something most people crave, but looking for love is never easy and can be emotionally quite hard. Loneliness can be quite devastating and it always seems that everyone else has someone but you don’t.

Despite how simple Hollywood makes it look, actually finding someone to love you back is not as easy as it sounds and sometimes you need a little reassurance that it will happen. This spread can give you a helping hand and quite possibly help reassure you that you can indeed find a true and magical love.

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Cards: 7

  1. Will you ever find your true love?
  2. Will you feel safe and secure with this person?
  3. Is marriage a potential for you?
  4. Will this new love be similar to your past lovers?
  5. Will commitment be possible with this new love?
  6. Can the magic last between you?
  7. What can you do to make this person part of their life?



Sylvia Abraham ©



It is possible by changing #1 to “Have you found your true love?” to use this tarot spread in the context of whether someone is indeed “the one.” Having said that, the “Is He/She The One?” is, in our opinion, better suited to that purpose.