Love and Relationship Tarot Spreads

Tarot Love SpreadsOur tarot love spreads are (as you might expect!) all about romantic relationships. Whether you’re looking for love, have found it, or have lost it or almost lost it, this is where you need to be.

For most of us love plays a really big part in our lives. There are those out there who prefer to be alone but they are usually few and far between. Most of us want a partner who will love us and stand by us for a lifetime.

The available tarot spreads have been split up into finding true love, new love (or new relationships), ongoing relationships, problem relationships, and past relationships.

Platonic relationships can be found under Family and Friends.


Finding True Love:

These tarot love spreads are for those who have yet to find someone special, but are still looking.


New Love or New Relationship:

These tarot love spreads are aimed at those who may have found someone special and are therefore wondering about the possibilities.


Ongoing Relationship:

The tarot love spreads in this section are for those who are in an existing relationship and things are not advancing, or going so swimmingly.


Relationship Problems:

The course of true love does not run smoothly or so they say. These tarot love spreads are for those who are experiencing difficulties.


Past Relationships:

And lastly, these tarot love spreads are for those whose relationship is over, or almost over.