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Should You or Shouldn't You? Tarot SpreadName: Should You Or Shouldn’t You?

Category: General tarot Spreads

Purpose: The “Should You Or Shouldn’t You?” tarot spread can be used when you are facing a decision between making a change or not making a change and could do with a little help.

Cards: 9

  1. What may happen if you do what you’re contemplating #1.
  2. What may happen if you do what you’re contemplating #2.
  3. What may happen if you do what you’re contemplating #3.
  4. What may happen if you maintain the status quo #1.
  5. What may happen if you maintain the status quo #2.
  6. What may happen if you maintain the status quo #3.
  7. Outcome if the change is made.
  8. Outcome if the change is not made.
  9. Something you need to know before making a decision.

Origin: Unknown