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General Interpretation

King of Wands

The King of Wands is almost always a positive omen and is a reminder that you are more than capable of achieving your goal provided you put your mind to it. He might appear in connection with almost anything that is goal oriented.

Many times he will be a literal person in your life who will be supportive and helpful. Indeed, he may have more faith in you and your abilities than you do! There is nothing wrong with being ambitious and the appearance of the King is telling you to go for it.

When the King is not a literal person you may well find that the men around you embody his energies. Rather than just one man being supportive and thinking well of you it will be a group of men.

Either way it is all about putting the energy you have, and the King of Wands indicates you have an abundance of it, to good use. Channel it in a positive direction, but make sure it is in a positive direction, and not a negative one.

Friends and Family

The King of Wands is like to be someone who has a patriarchal role within your life. He is probably family, perhaps your father, but not automatically so for he could be a friend, or a friend’s father; something similar. Family though is more likely.

He will be supportive of you and your ideas and may well be helpful when you need him to be. He is a King and has a wealth of wisdom to draw on if need be. Kings don’t get to be King by being stupid! You can trust him implicitly.

At other times when a literal person does not seem to be indicated the appearance of this card will mean that on the whole all is going well and should, at least for the time being, continue to do so.

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Love and Relationships

The King of Wands is a good sign for any relationship. Even if things have not been going as well as you would like his appearance means that your partner truly cares for you. If work does need to be done then they will be willing to do what it takes to make things run smoothly again.

His appearance does not mean that something is wrong however. Sometimes he will appear when everything is peachy in which case he is there to remind you that should your relationship ever falter that all is not lost. There is real affection in it and that can fix almost anything with a willingness to do so.

Those looking for love would do well to heed his message. He is telling you that you are too focused on other areas of your life, more so than you should be. There is nothing wrong with wanting to further your career, but it shouldn’t be done at the expense of everything else.

Make time for romance or you may find that work is the only thing you have in your life. And that isn’t what you want deep down is it?

Spiritual Growth

You are currently exploring a lot of different areas spiritually and there is nothing fundamentally wrong with that unless you get a little too carried away with trying to go in too many different directions at once at a breakneck speed.

Spiritual growth is not a race so slow down and decide one or two directions to go in first. Explore then and see where they take you, and if it isn’t where you want to be try a new direction.

Slowly but surely will win the day. If you are still finding it difficult to channel your energies meaningfully then try meditating and see if it helps. If it doesn’t then you’re not doing it right. Try again!

Work and Career

Overall work will be going well for you and in this connection the King is likely to be a literal person. This is someone who is not only supportive of you, but someone willing to point you in the right direction through mentoring. You can trust him and trust him to stand by you.

Learn what he has to offer but bear in mind that his way is not the only way, and this is particularly true when it comes to handling people. The King of Wands has an immense knowledge that will help form you but he is not always diplomatic when dealing with others. He is a King after all!

The King is equally positive if you do not yet have a job. He is a clear indication that not only is one coming your way, but it will be one you truly want.

Message from Spirit

You are spreading your energy in too many different directions at once and you don’t need to.

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Image Attribution: “King of Wands” via Wikipedia.