The Empress Tarot Card Meanings

The Empress Upright Tarot Card Meanings

The Empress is probably the most feminine of the cards in tarot. In the major arcana a card can often depict a literal person in our lives and The Empress is no exception.

Not surprisingly, it points toward a woman. This woman could be anywhere from her very late teenage years to being in her late forties and she is likely to be a positive part of your life.

Even if you do not date women, the appearance of this card is pointing to the fact that women can, and do, find you attractive.

However, in the abstract it points to either sex feeling attraction and affection toward you. This is a very passionate card, even if relationships are not important to you at this point in your life. The Empress points to a need to give rein to your passions and see where they take you.

The Empress Upright Meanings Step-by-Step

Friends, Friendships, and Family

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings Friends, Friendships, & Family

This is a positive omen for your friendships and family relationships. Especially with your family, you may find that several family members come to you seeking your advice and wisdom.

Even if this crops up at a time that is awfully bad for you, do your best to hear them out and to be diplomatic.

When you find out what is bothering them and are called upon to give your advice you should do so. You will be glad that you did. When it comes to friendships, if this card comes up when you are feeling lonesome, it is a very strong indication that a woman may be coming into your life in the near future who will become a very close and almost certainly a lifelong friend.

You are more important to your friends and your family than you tend to think. When this card appears in a reading in this context part of the meaning is that people care very much about you. 

You are likely to find yourself the center of attention and irrespective of your gender you may well find both men and women seeking you out for your advice. You may not think that you have much to offer but the fact is that you do. You know more and are wiser than you think.

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Love and Relationships

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings Love

The Empress is an extremely positive card as far as love and personal relationships are concerned. She is the equal of any other positive card in these respects.

Just because she is a feminine archetype doesn’t mean that she is soft, relaxed, and is unable to behave in a forceful manner – the fact is that she is a very strong lady indeed. Don’t underestimate her.

If you are currently in a relationship (even a casual one) then the possibility of a pregnancy resulting from intimacy exists in your life. Be aware that this card is an omen related to fertility; you or your partner could find yourselves facing the birth of a child if you are not extremely careful!

On the other hand if you are looking for love this card signals that there is a lover or potential lover in your near proximity who may be able to meet more of your needs than just about anyone else who is close by. Be friendly, get out and about. Give the universe the chance to make your paths cross in a meaningful way.

Spiritual Growth

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings Spiritual Growth

You will benefit most by time spent with women in the near future if you are looking to grow spiritually.

This is not because women are inherently more spiritual than men, but because the side of your being which is most in need of growth and attention at this moment is the feminine side.

This is not a time to be linear, logical, and forceful, in order to make things happen, but instead it is a time to let things happen. See how they unfold and learn to accept the risk of uncertainty. Life is not certain, and to think that you can or should always control it is potentially limiting its possibilities.

This is also a card of perfect acceptance and the Empress suggests that you take the good with the bad and learn to see the beauty in imperfection and in the simple joy of living. If it has to be perfect before you can enjoy it you will be waiting forever. Enjoy it now. You can choose to do this.

Work and Career

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings Work & Career

When it comes to work this card indicates that you simply cannot assess your work/career in linear, logical, left-brained type of measures only.

The way that people feel about your work, the way that you feel about your work, is going to be more than usually important now.

You also need to consider how your coworkers feel about you. Do your best, especially if a formal evaluation of your work is looming, not to antagonize the people that you work with.

There’s an old saying: Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy? Barring extremely serious issues (e.g. if they don’t follow your advice the bridge you’re building is going to fall down) reconsider how important being right really is.

Money and Finances

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings Money & Finance

Generally speaking, the Empress is about manifestation. Although we tend to think that money is simply a kind of mindless exchange i.e. I do my labor, you pay for my time and labor, and that’s all there is to it.

The truth of the matter is that these days there’s not always a direct correlation of pay to the quality of work or worker.

In other words, due to the pandemic, there are people who could do world-changing research, who are right now delivering food as a part-time, contract worker. And the pay for that work is the same whether you’ve been doing it for several months or not.

So, it would be entirely understandable why one might think the “Empress” doesn’t really apply in this situation. But the thing is – she does. In that example, the worker could visualize and positively influence the tips that he or she gets from the clients. That is worth a lot. The Empress suggests creativity in all its forms, and it reminds us that when we do our best in that way, money very often follows.

A Message and Advice from Spirit

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings Message from Spirit

The message from Spirit is that the creative impulse is in all things and all people, including you, and you must not only accept that but honor it.

The message also includes that sexuality is actually a creative force – and as such, it too should be honored, not ignored and not sublimated.

Creativity is not something to be feared nor is it something that you have to work up to. Human beings are born creative. All you have to do is get your fears and your ego out of the way and the creativity will get the chance to shine right through.

The Empress Tarot Card Meanings by Tarot Time

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Image Attribution: “RWS Tarot 03 Empress” by Pamela Coleman Smith – a 1909 card scanned by Holly Voley ( for the public domain, and retrieved from (see note on that page regarding source of images). Via Wikipedia.